Late night walk

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(⚠️TW nightmares⚠️)

Amitys' POV

We spent the rest of the day hanging out, talking, discussing Good Witch Azora fan theories, and just enjoying each others company. Sadly we had to eventually go back home. When we got back it was already pretty dark out so we decided to get dressed and go to bed.

Time Skip

Luz was already in the bed when I came out the restroom. In an effort to not wake her I tried to get in as quietly as possible. However the mattress betrayed me and a squeak rang through the room. "Amity" Luz asked looking for me "sorry did I wake you up" I apologize. "Nah I'm not that tired" she states ending the sentence with a yawn. She blushes in embarrassment and I laugh at her reaction.

"Hey, Luz?" I asked after our laughter died down. "Yeah, what's up Am" she replied noticing my change in tone. "Why haven't you told anyone about... you know" I start not knowing if I should say it. "My bullies?" Luz continued knowing were the conversation was going. "I don't want to talk about it, lets just get some sleep" she replied avoiding the question again. "Ok Luz, we don't have to talk about it, but just know that I'm here for you ok?" I say understanding that she doesn't want to talk about it.

"I  know Am, I'm just not ready yet" Luz replied not facing me. I  turn her head so she can face me "there's no rush" I stated pulling her into a hug. Eventually we fell asleep leaning into each others' warmth.


⚠️I was back there again, "no not again, I can't go through this again" I think to myself. But It was to late, my 'friends' stood there in front of me with smirks and glares. "What are we going to make fun of today" Edric asked Emira with a smirk. "Oh l don't know dear brother maby her weird clothes" Emira states with a laugh making me self conscious. "Or maybe her week arms she probably can't even hold her books." Willow stated, and I rubbed my  arm out of instinct making them laugh. "This isn't real, they won't care, this  isn't real, they won't care, this isn't real they won't care" I repeatedly whisper to myself until Gus noticed. "Maybe this isn't real but come on stop lying to yourself, they will care, and this will be there reaction, so stop pretending that they won't" He spat  and with that I woke up.

'Why won't these dreams leave me alone' I think to myself just wanting to be able to sleep in peace. "Maby a walk will help clear my mind" I think to myself slowly sneaking out my room. As I walked down the hall I  silently prayed that the floors wouldn't squeak under my feet. Slowly but surely I finally made it to the door.

It was a quiet night, very relaxing, but my mind kept on going back to what 'Gus' said. "They will care, and this will be their reaction" I think to myself remembering his words. "What if he's right, what if they really do care" I think to myself, I eventually take a seat on the sidewalk to think about everything that happened the past few days. As I sat there I started to cry,  It felt good to just get rid of some of the tension I built up. I've been so busy worrying about making sure everyone else was happy I didn't get a chance to be. Just then someone called my name "Luz"


You know the drill, that's it, who do you think it is, comment ideas, have a great day/ night/ afternoon  peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

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