Special Chapter for Amphibia

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Ok so their is going to be a lot going on in this chapter so make sure to keep an eye on the POV's it may get confusing but pleas bare with me, I'm sure you'll like it, also this has nothing to do with the original plot. Luz is still on earth with her friends.

(⚠️TW merciless fight scene⚠️)

Annes' POV

It's to late, he won, I failed, I couldn't stop him. I'm forced to watch in horror as King Andres grabs the music box. I turn to Marcy my oldest friend, but I couldn't stand the sight of her. They had used her as some kind of host for his plans, now her body just stares happily as I struggle against my bonds. However all my attempts are in vain due to the fact they neutralized my powers. So I'm forced to sit here and watch as my mortal enemy and oldest friend begins to take over the worlds.

Luz's POV

No, NoNoNoNo this can't be happening, this is all my fault. If I had just went to camp, if I never met Eda, they he wouldn't have known about her portal mom, Vee, earth, it's all in danger because of me, Because I wanted to pursue some dumb wich fantasy. Everyone told me to go home. If I had just listened, if I had left when I had the chance, maybe every ones life would've been better, Eda wouldn't have to take extra jobs just to put food on the table. Amity would've still had a chance with the emperors coven. Gus and Willow wouldn't have to worry about our adventures getting them into trouble, everyone would've been happier if it wasn't for me.

3rd person POV

Luz began to cry at the fact she had failed unbeknownst to her someware not to far away on another world there was a girl going through the same thing. Our antagonists Belos and Andrias continue with their plan of multiversal conquest however unknown to them they did it at the same time. So as Andrias opened the box and Belos opened the door a burst of light filled both, their realms. When the light died down it revealed something I can't quite explain.

Adora POV


Dipper & Mable POV


Kipo POV


Anne POV




Star POV


Raya POV


Korra POV


3rd Person POV

Belos and King Andrias unknowingly combined all the world's.


'What the hell is going on' I think to myself not knowing what is going on. When the light died down my bonds were broken so I could finally move. I got up to see Belos in awe of chaos he inflicted. I slowly walked up to him glyph in hand, ready to attack.

With out facing me he summoned his staff and deflected my attack. He turned to me with a sad expression on his face "I did not want this, I only wished to bring order to your Realm." He stated as if that makes it any better. "My plans back fired and now... we're practically back in the savage ages." He stated sadly which only pissed me off more "I don't give a fuck." I say suprising even myself when I said it.

"Oh you will, when you see just how chaotic magic is without the coven system." He was going to continue talking about covens and chaos and the 'savage ages' but I shut him up with a quick punch to the gut. ⚠️"SHUT UP" I say before punching him again. "You hurt me" punch "you hurt my friends" punch "and you put my family in danger" punch. I continued to punch him in anger, each one harder than the last. "he ruined my life, I was stuck here for months because of him" I think to myself as his mask is knocked off.

However I couldn't care less, before I knew it I could only see red. I couldn't stop, even when I heard someone come in. They ran up to me and said something, but I couldn't hear them over my rage. They grabbed my arm in an effort to stop my actions. I turn to them with rage filled eyes before calming down when I noticed it was the very girl I was hoping to find. "A-Amity" I stated calming down from my rage frenzy,⚠️ as I broke down into tears.

"Luz, what happened" Amity asked but I didn't answer, I just wrapped my arms around my legs and barried my face in my legs. "It's all my fault, I'm a monster, It's all my fault" I repeat to myself again and again. I could hear Amity walking over, so I looked up to see her reaching out to comfort me, but I quickly moved before she could. "I-I don't deserve your comfort, I'm a,monster" I stated as I looked up at her. She reached out again, but I ran away, I didn't want her to see me like this. "I just want to go home" I think to myself as I ran through the portal.

When I entered the portal I should've been in shock or in awe, but I didn't do anything. I just stood there numb for a few seconds before I collapsed I saw 8 people come over but I didn't care. I laid numb and motionless at the thought of what I just done.

Anne's POV

I don't know how it happened, one minute I'm on Amphibia the next I'm in my world. Well not exactly, It looked like my world, but I don't remember my world having DRAGONS. I looked around for my house, but with all the chaos I was lost. I was begging to freak out before I knew my breathes were getting faster and more desperate, and I was on the floor. "oh, no not again, not right now" I thought to myself, I was having a panic attack.

I've been having them ever since my 'friendly' reunion with Sasha. Only Sprig knows about it, and I don't like talking about it much. As I began to drift deeper and deeper into panic I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder, I flinched at their touch. "Hey, hey, calm down it's ok, can you tell me your name." They asked in soothing voice calming me down a bit "A-Anne" I state in a shakey voice. "Hi Anne I'm Kipo, can you tell me what's wrong" Kipo asked "everything man, I'm freaking out, I'm lost, the worlds gone crazy, and I have no idea what happened." I say starting to panic again.

"Hey, Anne stay with me, were are you from" Kipo asked trying to stop me from going further into my panic. "L.A" I reply trying to calm down. "Alright, this is going to sound weird but what year are you from?" She asked confusing me a little but I answered "2021". Kipo was silent for a while before she answered "Anne, could you look at me for a second" she asked. I turned to her feeling a lot better, she had pink hair and pink eyes? She wore a light blue shirt and black pants.

"Anne I know you probably want to get back to your search for your friends, but could you come with me for a second." Kipo asked, I wasn't sure at first but I trust her, so I gave her a short nod in agreement. She then took a weird gadget out her pocket and tapped at it. "Wolf, I found another one" Kipo stated into the device. I could hear a muffled reply before and Kipo answered with a quick meet you there.

After she put away her device Kipo offered me her hand to help me up. "What was that all about" I asked curious about the device. "Me and my friends have been finding lost people everywhere, each from different times and worlds" Kipo explained. We eventually made it to what looked to be a mega sized treehouse. "This may freak you out a little" Kipo stated as we walked up to the tree house. "I lived in a world of anthropomorphic frogs nothing surprises me anymore" I stated before walking in guess I was wrong

Hey guys, this is only part one I just wanted to post something before Saturday and it's getting late so let's make this quick I hope you had a good day have a great day/ morning/ afternoon peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

Word count 1428

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