It's been a while

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⚠️TW⚠️ metion of panic attack
⚠️TW⚠️  bullying

Luz POV.

When it was time to see the movie I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous. "It's just a group thing, It's not like it's just me and Amity" I thought trying to calm my nerves. "Come on I can't wait to show you my favorite avenger" I said excited. "What's the avengers" Amity asked, "I'll explain later come on" I stated before dragging them to the theater.

We were halfway through the movie when I saw a familiar face in the audience. My blood ran cold "I'll be right back guys" I stated quickly. Amity seemed hurt but quickly hid it with a smile. "Okay hurry back" she said with a smile I hesitated for a minute before running out.⚠️TW⚠️ It can't be her, I haven't thought of her in a year I was about to have a panic attack⚠️TW over⚠️ when the very girl I was worried about walked over with a sinister smile.

⚠️TW⚠️"Luzer Nerdceda" she said mocking my name making me grit my teeth. "What do you want Amber" I said in a cold tone making a look of suprise flash across her face before she quickly covered it up. "It's been a while, I thought you died we threw a party and everything" Amber said making my blood boil.

Who does she think she is, she can't just laugh about death like it's some sick joke. I thought a fire burning in my eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to do anything. This isn't the boiling isles, I can't just challenge her to a witches duel, or beat her in a Grudgby match. Just like that I was back to being the lonely little girl who was bullied for being weird.

"What's wrong Nerdceda, have something to say" she asked in a fake sweet tone. As much as I wanted to tell her off I couldn't, I just put head down "leave me alone Amber" I stated in a small voice. "What's that Nerdceda you want to say that was to my face?" Amber asked sarcastically.

I just looked up with fear in my eyes "leave me alone" I said with fake confidence. She was about to reply with a smug answer but was cut off by a phone call. "I guess you got lucky today Nerdceda, I've got to pick up some friends you remember Chad and Hailey. My eyes widened in fear at the thought, I can barely deal with Amber when she's alone back when we were in school they made my life a living Hell. Before I could reply she left laughing at my reaction.⚠️TW over⚠️


Sorry about the late update. I had to deal with a little bit of writers block. About the new episode of TOH what do you think about Amity's new look. I'm thinking about incorporating it into the book tell me what you think. Anyway I hope you liked the chapter, but if you don't mind I'm going to sleep.

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