It's a girl !!

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{after you private conversation with T'challa}

~ Call ~

Rhodey : Tony ? Why are you calling us ?
Tony : to get her to answer some questions
Wanda : what the hell
Sam : one of these days i'm gonna block you
Bucky : agreed
Pepper : Tony you have a meeting in two minutes
Natasha : Apparently this is more important
Peter : she's not even answering
Clint : seriously guys ? I was trying to sleep

ANONYMOUS : someone tell father dearest that it's literally like three p.m

Clint : try having -
Tony : you're here and you're a.....girl ?

ANONYMOUS : yeah so . And i'm only here cuz i have nothing better to do

Clint : we'll take it

' where the fuck id my beer !? ' is heard in the distance
ANONYMOUS : shit . Hold on , i'll be back

Natasha: uh what was that ?
Clint : kid ? Are you okay ?
Tony : hello ?
Peter : you good ?

ANONYMOUS : What were we talking about ?

Clint : are you a bartender ?

ANONYMOUS : nope don't worry about it

Peter : then what was that ?

ANONYMOUS: what'd i say pampers . Don't worry about it

Sam : ha she called you pampers as in the diaper com-
Peter : yeah i got that
Tony : so unknown girl . Tell us about yourself

ANONYMOUS: why don't you tell us about yourself Anthony Edward Stark

Peter : your voice is kinda pretty. Are you my age ?
Sam :  is Peter making a move on someone who knows everything about us , including our identities and who knows what other secrets, when we know absolutely nothing about them . Oh other than she's a fucking girl ?

ANONYMOUS : don't worry Sam you'll find someone. I mean you were hitting it off with that Amanda girl on Tinder .

Bucky : what the fu-
Tony : I'm getting nowhere. I'm getting absolutely nowhere

ANONYMOUS : is my identity stressing you guys out ?

Tony : iS mY iDeNtIy sTrEsSiNg yOu gUyS oUt ( he ,mocks )
Peter : what do you think
T'challa : I couldn't care less about their identities but how on earth did you find out about Wakanda
Steve : yeah we're dead
Tony : And how did you join this call ?
Bucky : she's right i'll give you that
Strange : she's right about everything

ANONYMOUS : Hocus Pocus gets it

Tony : please just answer a question or two


Peter : wait a minute-
Tony : Peter shut up before you ruin this , how old are you ?

ANONYMOUS : sixteen

Tony : ok what's your name ?

ANONYMOUS : don't know why you're asking like you'll find something. Got to go bye !

Unknown has left the call

Steve : we tried. She"s giving us more information everyday though
Bucky : she's a girl. Wow . We know so much
Sam : the worst part is she literally has no motive
Bucky : yeah I'm convinced she's just bored

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