Super Suit

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Tw : none

She made her way out of the house. She found herself at an old , abandoned warehouse she had found a few years back when she had first started working on SAGE and with her pocket money she had made it feel fairly comfy .
It had a sleeper sofa , it had cost her four months work pay to get it , at a discount because she knew the owner. She had gotten a small box that had some essentials that were always ready to go and a pre-packed backpack for emergencies. She had also gotten a small shelf that was backed up against the wall and had doors so it was basically a cabinet, she kept stuff not limited to biscuits, sweets ,chips , biscuits ; basically snacks . It was her hideout after all , and she was secretly paying for it so she would go all out when she could .
Down the stairs was her workshop,lets just say it had taken a while to get all her stuff , but it was worth it . She had a silent generator that powered most of her tools . She was completely off the grid .The door had a code that was next to impossible to crack and only she knew of this place .

She pushed some stuff away and walked towards a storage crate . She pulled  out some old sketches and old designs laying the out on a table . It was a bunch of designs she had scraped for a suit . She threw away the designs she was sure deserved to burn and kept the ones that were salvageable. She brought over a lamp and started sketching to her heart's content. By the time she was done she had a suit , similar to Natasha's in some ways . It was a full body black and magenta jump suit , with holsters on the thighs . She had added a belt that would hold up the holsters and contained extra random things . It had a hood that could project a screen ( that worked the same as Tony's screen from inside the suit )and a mask ( like Bucky's old winter soldier mask ) . All that was left now was to make it ; but that would have to wait for another day because in the time that had taken the moon was starting to disappear and the sun was coming up .

She woke up well after everyone had left going off on their separate ways . Some were downstairs others were out with their friends or at work . She was staring at the ceiling before she heard her name being called .

Lilly POV

There was a knock at the door at seeing that everyone else was busy i raced to go answer it .
The triplets : Rose , Gwen and April had gone to work together ; they would be leaving next year and that made me sad .
Chase was practicing his guitar in the creative room alone . He would also be leaving next year and going off with his band mates .
Joe , Muriel , Dj and Mike were about to leave and go their individual ways with their friends .
Daisy was cooking with Alban .
Greg and Meg were playing chess .
Alia was still sleeping so was Miranda .
Emily and Milly ; my twin sister were playing dolls . I was watching tv .
Emma , Anna and Chelsey ; the youngest ones , we're getting ready .
Billy was painting , and i don't know what Daniel , Rocky , Miguel , Casio and Doug were doing .

I opened the door to see a tallish boy , he had brown hair and brown eyes . He was wearing a plaid shirt and jeans and black converse . He looked slightly confused when he saw me .
Peter : hie ? uh ,
Lilly : i'm Lilly
Peter : nice to meet you Lilly , is Alia here ?
Lilly : yeah i'll go wake her up you can come in there's an empty spot on the sofa
Peter : what !? Don't  -

I didn't hear the last part of what he was saying cause i was half way up the stairs . She was in the big kids room so i had to knock , I knocked and she opened the door . She was still a bit new but i liked her just like i liked the others . She was in her stitch onesie and her hair was a mess . She still looked pretty . I grabbed her hand and we raced down the stairs. I scanned the room for the boy ignoring all of her questions until I spotted him standing awkwardly by the bookshelf. I dragged her along with me .

Alia : Peter ?
Lilly : , i gasped , the same Peter you're always talking about - , she quickly put a hand over my mouth .
Peter : Hey Lia , he said a goof smile on his face as she blushed , i was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me -
Alia : sure ! Just stay right there , or sit down , or explore just don't go , i mean you can go , I'm not saying you should stay , but you should stay, i mean that -
Daisy  : he can help me in here Alban's burning the bacon !
Alia : perfect , she said awkwardly before running up the stairs .
Peter : ...... ok then

Alia POV

i was about to get up and stretch when i heard a knock at my door , i got up and opened it . Before i could say anything Lilly grabbed my  hand and dragged me down the stairs, when we finally stopped , for whatever reason i saw her looking for something.
Alia : do you need my help looking for something ?
Alia : did Milly hide your doll again ? Cause I don't know were it is
Alia : what are you looking for ?
Suddenly we were moving again , towards the book shelf . That's when i saw him . Peter .
Peter ?

Alia : Peter ?
Lilly : , she gasped, the same Peter you're always talking about - , i put my hand over her mouth as i felt my heart race and my cheeks burn .
Peter : Hey Lia , he said a goof smile on his face, i was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me -
Alia : sure ! Just stay right there , or sit down , or explore just don't go , i mean you can go , I'm not saying you should stay , but you should stay, i mean that -
Daisy  : he can help me in here Alban's burning the bacon !, she yelled from the kitchen practically saving me from blabbering on .
Alia : perfect , i say before rushing toward the stairs .
Peter : ...... ok then , i hear him say as i make my way up the stairs.

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