Dramatic Much

442 13 0

Tw : none

Alia POV

It was done . I was officially a Stark . And he was hosting a fucking press conference for it . I guess it was time for me to come back from the dead . At least school was over for the year and I didn't have to deal with my classmates . Natasha had to take me shopping, just so that i could wear a dress for the conference. That right there was some bullshit . But Pepper said i so i did , and now i was getting my hair done . Apparently i had to look perfect at all times . That . Is not going to work . I stood up and straightened my dress , not that it was wrinkled , i was just nervous. I mean who would be nervous about coming back from the dead and getting adopted . I took a deep breath and met Peter outside my door . I gave him a quick hug , he wished me luck and I followed Pepper to a large curtain that was hiding me from the press until it was time . Just as we practiced , i was seated on an armchair , still behind the curtain , going over my script again . Then i heard the mic screech and Tony's voice .

Tony : i think that we are all aware of the orphanage that burnt to the ground a month and three weeks ago . We are also aware of the life that we lost in the fire...

I stopped listening , i knew what he was going to say ; i had the script in my hands after all . I must have zoned out because when I blinked Tony was done with the speech and saying the last bits .

Tony : i've been rambling for long enough . The reason you are all gathered here today is so that we can welcome Alia back into this community. She survived the fire

The audience gasped in shock .

Tony : ...She's been staying with us for a while now , ever since she woke up actually. I"ve kept you waiting long enough, everyone Alia .

I had stood up by then and was waiting by the curtain with Pepper holding my hand supportively . We walked out together and the crowd rose to their feet , questions coming from all around me . Tony moved to the side allowing me to to stand in front of the audience that had calmed down .

Reporter 1 : Mrs . Garcia over here if you may
Reporter 2 : Mrs. Garcia
Tony :  if you would all shush , and let her speak , questions after

There were a lot of people . I don't do this many people . Yeah i'm in academic decathlon but there are never this many people ! I calm my breathing and move the mic closer to me .

Alia : um...
I simply recited the lines i was given , but then people started asking me questions calling me "mrs Garcia " . It was annoying and before i could stop myself i blurted it out .
Alia : I don't know who you think i am but my name is Alianova Maria-Grace Stark , get it right or don't say it at all . Thank you .

I walked off the pedestal and Pepper lead me to the car . It was already running, ready to go incase something like this happened . I guess they've had their fair share of mishaps with Tony . The car ride was silent , the last thing i heard Tony say before he got to the car was something along the lines of " ok thank you for your time , no more questions" .

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