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Tw : abuse , abandonment

Sunday night

Alia pov

I heard my dad's car pulling into the driveway and heard the opening of the front door and his loud sloppy footsteps . I was in my room talking to the avengers, i hated ending the conversations so suddenly but if my dad ever found out i'd be in a lot of trouble. I hid my phone and went downstairs to find my dad and found him dragging suitcases from the basement.
Antonio: go get all your stuff
Alia : are we both going somewhere? Are we moving?
Antonio: stop wasting my time and go get all your things ! his tone was emotionless and cold , it sent a shiver down her spine . She did as he said , took all the clothes , shoes , accessories and basically everything he had ever bought her . He packed it up and left the room . She bolted up the stairs and got her laptop from her hiding spot , the thing was he didn't know she had bought herself a laptop, when she had bought her phone with her own money and did the same with her laptop . She opened up the suitcase and placed her laptop between the piles of clothes. All her stuff fit in one suitcase and her backpack. She sat and waited for her father .
Antonio: you have been such an ungrateful bitch that i have decided to get rid of you
Alia : what .....?
He didn't answer he just slapped her  , pushed her to the ground and starting punching and kicking her .
Antonio: get up carry your things to the car NOW !
She did as he said as he got his car keys .
Antonio: give me your phone , she did but took it back when they were outside the orphanage, he didn't notice. He practically threw her out of the car and threw her bags out with her .
Alia : you know what asshole i hope you live a sad and miserable life  , because you don't deserve love . You will always be alone no-one will ever love you . He didn't even bother listening he just drove away leaving her to cry on the steps of the orphanage before knocking on the door . She knew the old lady who ran the orphanage.I knew her as Mrs Potter ,i usually brought her cookies on Sunday's until my dad forbid her . The old lady stared at me in my wet dress my hair draping over my eyes and framing my face , the scars i had from previous episodes with my 'father' , the bruising on my arms and legs , the welts and cuts i had . She brought me into a hug and lets me cry into her arms . She pulled me indoors and led me to the floor were all the other girls stayed .
The thing about Mrs Potter's orphanage was that it wasn't originally an orphanage, it started out as a large victorian house that she and her husband had bought together. After her husband died and her children moved out she turned it into an orphanage after deciding to help children. It had a beautiful staircase that lead up to the rooms . Downstairs was the kitchen and activity room . There were only about 11 other girls. They wore sorry expressions on their faces , they knew how it felt , to just be abandoned . You were called down by Mrs Potter , she explained how things worked around there . She told you that if you ever needed anything that wasn't already provided you just had to go to her . You went back to your room , you shared a room with three other girls , the next room had another four , same as the one that followed. She went to bed that night crying herself to sleep .

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