...Moving On

462 17 1

Tw : none

~Two weeks later ~

You have fifty missed calls and thirty nine missed texts from science guy 🧬
You have forty nine missed calls and thirty seven missed texts from hammer 🔨
You have forty five missed calls and thirty five missed texts from reindeer games 🎰
You have forty two missed calls and thirty missed texts from Nat♥️👑
You have forty missed calls and twenty nine missed texts from Katniss 🏹
You have thirty eight missed calls and twenty six missed texts from tin man 2🌞
You have thirty five missed calls and twenty three missed texts from witchy🌶🧚‍♀️
You have thirty two missed calls and twenty missed texts from Hocus Mucus
You have thirty missed calls and twenty missed texts from kitty cat 🐈‍⬛
You have twenty nine missed calls and twenty missed texts from bucket 🪣
You have one missed call and one missed text from Mc flurry
You have thirty five missed calls and twenty three missed texts from sonic 💙
You have thirty missed calls and twenty missed texts from tin man 🌚
You have forty missed calls and twenty nine missed texts from bird boy 🦅
You have twenty nine missed calls and twenty missed texts from steeb🧊

-fifteen deleted voicemails from science guy 🧬
-forty-nine deleted voicemails from hammer 🔨
-thirty-one deleted voicemails from steeb🧊
-forty-four  deleted voicemails from bird boy 🦅
-forty-seven deleted voicemails from sonic 💙
-ten deleted voicemails from Mc flurry
-nineteen deleted voicemails from bucket 🪣
-thirty-seven deleted voicemails from kitty cat 🐈‍⬛
-twenty eight deleted voicemails from Hocus Mucus
-twenty-two deleted voicemails from witchy🌶🧚‍♀️
-forty-eight deleted voicemails from tin man 2🌞
-forty-two deleted voicemails from Katniss 🏹
-forty-three deleted voicemails from Nat♥️👑
-fourteen deleted voicemails from reindeer games 🎰

~voicemail ~

Tony : hey kid , so this probably won't do much , cause you're a pretty stubborn person, but please hear me out . Do you remember that day ? When i took you out for lunch ?

-background voice - : more like forced !

Tony : shut up Sam ! As i was saying .... When i took you out for lunch and took you to that park , i meant everything i said , i never meant to be the way i was . I honestly don't even know what i was so worried about . Pepper says i'm just insecure about how much smarter you are than me . And that's probably true .
Look i'm sorry about everything i said and did i trust you , even if you don't trust me anymore . I really care about you not only because of what you can do , but because of who you are . Even if I don't entirely know who that is . I'd love to get to know you more . And i promise . I'll call you next time . All you have to do is pick up .

-sixty-seven deleted voicemails from tin man 🌚

Peter POV

After Alia told me what happened we cuddled until she fell asleep . She's still staying at the orphanage but whenever they show up she hides or tells her siblings to say that she's not there . Or she opens the door and slams it in their faces .
She told me that she was The Black Dahlia. She goes on patrol with me , we just make sure they don't see her . She opened up to me about what her father did to her , why she finds it hard to trust sometimes, she's just always so guarded when it comes to that , she just closes everything off . It's been two weeks ; she's ignoring them .

I walked out of the elevator

Steve : we need to find her
Bucky : yeah who knows what she's doing , she has some pretty self deprecating  behavior.

I slowly spun around about to leave

Tony : Peter ?
Peter : y-yeah ?
Tony : do you know where we can find her
Peter : n-no
Nat : oh , so he knows where she is
Peter : no I don't
Sam : oh he definitely knows , he comments smirking .
Tony : where ?
I gulped .

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