Princess Bride

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Peter had just finished patrol for the night and it was around six p.m . He had gotten a cut on his cheek , so he called the first person that came to mind .
Peter : you could've used the door you know ? , he chuckles as Alia makes herself comfortable on his bed , and started cleaning the cut .
Alia : were's the fun in that ?
Peter : remember when i said I wanted to get to know you better , you think we could do that now
Alia : well my name's Alianova Maria-Grace Garcia ,  my parents are as dead as a vine -
Peter : that's morbid
Alia : it's a fact about me shut up if you want more , i like to read , star wars , baking , computer science.
Peter : what are your favorite books
Alia : i love thrillers and Sci Fi's , i read a lot of Agatha Christie's and Stephen King .
Peter : do you have a boyfriend ?
Alia : why you looking for one Pete ?
Peter : no but i hope you are , he mutters more to himself than anyone else and Alia barely hears it , she starts blushing .
Peter : what ? Would dating me be that bad ?
Alia: Pete , you're probably the nicest person I know, you're smart and cool - don't make that face you are cool . Cooler than Flash anyway . And you're funny .
Peter couldn't help but grin . He ducked his head trying to calm down because of the sudden shift in his stomach. Forget butterflies , his insides felt like a bunch of chihuahuas got loose .
Alia: and it's not like you're ugly either -
Peter's head snapped up and looked at Alia who was blushing so much she looked like a tomato.
Peter : what ?
Alia: i just mean that uh .... you're cute
Peter felt his heart start to run laps as she sucked in a deep breath , embarrassed .
Alia : what i uh mean is that you're not pretty - no not that uh , um you're cute , yes , but like not in a weird way where i stare at you when we're in class , more in a way where when i saw you for the first time i was like he's cute , or when i i saw you without your suit i was like he has abs - wait no that's slightly creepy too -
It had to be because he hadn't slept in three days and the post-patrol adrenaline was still in his system, but to shut her up and stop her rambling, Peter leaned over and kissed Alianova . It was nice , as far as first kisses go it was no Princess Bride kiss , but it was nice . One of his hands cupped her jaw and the other rested on her hip so he could lean into her. Her lips were soft and his nose bumped against hers . She was still for a moment making him think he majorly fucked up , only for her , once she realized what was happening, to rest one hand on his shoulder and one behind her for stability, because what do you do with your arms while kissing ?  When they pulled away Alia looked at Peter , who wore a look of ' i can't believe i just fucking did that ' with her own shocked expression.
Alia : you kissed me , she whispered
Peter : i'm sorry
Alia :  don't be , she said letting a big , goofy smile form .
And then she was kissing him . Peter was sure he had died during patrol because Alianova Garcia was kissing him. Not that he minded , dying while saving people , only to spend an eternity kissing the prettiest girl he knew , was alright  by him .
Things were kind of awkward until May opened the door and Alia had to leave .


Since prom was that day lessons were pretty much canceled . Alia , being part of the cheer squad, was stuck helping decorate the gym , but even when she was free Peter never made an effort to find her . She was walking down the halls to the storage room for more tables when she heard talking. Before she turned the corner she recognized Liz and Peter's voices and stopped in her tracks .
Liz : ..... i know
Peter : you do
Liz : you're terrible at keeping secrets
Peter : you'd be surprised .... I gotta get to class , but um ..i'd say we should hang out but i'm gonna be late for physics class
Liz : uh huh
Peter : i guess you already have a date to homecoming
Liz : actually, i was so busy planning it , i never got around to that part , so ...
Peter : uh do you uh .. wanna go with me ?
Liz : yeah sure
Peter : really? I mean uh great . Cool
Liz : cool -
Alia stopped listening, tears glistening her eyes. She told herself not to cry , as she ran down the halls . The bell rang as she got her books from her locker and ran out of the school and into and alley to hide in the shadow world . She sat on the ground crying , not caring how long she'd be in there or how worried everyone would be when she got home late . She quickly scratched that last note not wanting to worry any of her newly found sisters and brothers . She picked herself up wiping away the tears and dusting herself off . She walked to the alley next to the orphanage and then made her way inside . She was greeted with a shower of hie's , how you doings and how was your days. She simply answered' fine ' and made her way to her room , calling for her sister's to help her get ready for Prom . After an hour and a half of getting ready she looked like a princess , but didn't feel like one .

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