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Alia POV

As i read over the many , many messages I realized just how much of an impact i had made on them and their lives unintentionally . I told myself breath and began typing .

Hey guys

tin man 🌚
OMG you're back

bucket 🪣
How've you been kid

Breathing, that's all that matters

steeb 👴🏻🧊
Kid you've got some explaining to do , we won't push you to explain but kt woukd be appreciated

How about a truce , today at 13:15 meet me at the cafe on Bleecker Street , I promise I'll explain i just can't explain over text .

It's ok we'll be there

Avengers POV / third person view
They were sitting lazily it had been about thirty minutes since Fury blew up on the poor kid . They were slowly loosing hope when their phones buzzed and lit up all at once , thinking it was a meeting report they slowly looked at their phones , Tony being the first to jump up the rest following suit . After their little conversation with ANONYMOUS they places their phones down .
Tony : you know after the amount of times I've fallen for that i'm gonna trust the kid , she seemed sincere enough . JARVIS set a notification for 13:00
Nat : at least we know she's alive
Sam : I missed her
Wanda : we all did
Bucky : who do you think it is , like she seems super smart , funny , sarcastic -
Steve : with her smarts she might attend Midtown for all we know , since they've started recruiting kids from different schools now
Tony : imagine that .

Alia POV
Was i regretting saying I would meet up with them , probably, but i was going to let them find me before they just stopped caring , so I guess this was a good move . The day moved by agonizingly slow and when the final bell rang and the crowd of kids flowed out of the school she may have used her shadow shortcuts to get home and freshen up a bit . She changed out of her sweats and hoodie ( she had kind off stopped caring what she looked like for the past week and wanted to make an impression on them ) .

 She changed out of her sweats and hoodie ( she had kind off stopped caring what she looked like for the past week and wanted to make an impression on them )

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( bear with me here ok )

Realizing that she had about three minutes before she had to come face to face with a bunch of avengers she used her shadow shortcuts to get there with two minutes to spare , she went and sat in the booth in the corner, it had enough seats for everyone . She was picking at her fingers before she heard the bell at the door jingle . Low and behold there were the avengers, with their baseball caps and scarfs and oversized jackets , trying to seem like normal people . She watched as their eyes scanned over the room landing on her , the probably used process of elimination to deduce that it was her . Locking eyes with captain spangles she raised a single eyebrow before lifting her hand and saluting to him .

Avengers POV / third person view
Before we walked in . Nat scanned the room over twice before telling us it was the girl with the blak leather jacket . We walked in . Cap locked eyes with her before she saluted , he nudged Wanda , telling her to alert the others that they should come in .

Alia POV
I watched as they piled in , the group consisting of Nat , Wanda , Steve , Tony , Clint and Rhodey staying by the door , walking towards me . I pulled my sunglasses off placing them on the table and sighing , how the hell did i get here . Steve raised an eyebrow at me .
Alia : hie . My name's Alianova Maria-Grace Garcia , i'm the girl you've been talking to for the past five months , i went offline Sunday night at around eight maybe nine and you're here to find out why . Um my 'dad' disowned me that night , he packed up all my stuff and left me at an orphanage without so much as an explanation , she made sure to use air quotes when saying dad . I uh ... I didn't now how to deal with the situation so I ignored you guys and i'm sorry . I had no idea that i meant that much to you , i never meant for it to end up this way . I was planning on just blocking you all but uh a friend talked me out of it . That friend is Peter Parker . I learn at Midtown and Peter's become my friend and he has no idea it's me he's probably at his apartment working on his section of our science project, but you probably don't care about the little details . I'm not going to hide from you anymore. I'm here now , this is me , I'm willing to answer any questions you might have . So uh ... shoot .
They stayed silent , Natasha who was sitting next to you pulled you close and hugged you , you tensed at first before hugging back .
Tony : i have a question
Alia : ask ahead
Tony : well I can't exactly ask it here , in public
Alia : ok so .......
Tony : so come back to the tower with us
Alia : i don't really have a choice do i ? I know that there's shield agents all around this cafe because i come here every friday and none of these people are here also i work here part time and that barista is agent Maria Hill who i know doesn't work here . So I'm assuming that if i reuse Natasha over here will simply tranq me , which is why she's sitting next to me . And correct me if i'm wrong but Fury sitting in that car is incase i try to run for it which might i add you wouldn't be able to do , even though you know my identity you wouldn't be able to catch me unless I wanted you to . So now i'm going to stand up and go with you willing, as you say that you hear the sound of a gun being hidden agin and a sigh of relief from Steve , mainly because I'm bored and have nothing going on for me at the moment.
The group gets up getting into a van , except for Tony .
Tony : wanna ride with me kid , it's a lot less cramped than that van .
Alia : sure
The van leaves first .
Tony : i was going to ask you to demonstrate your powers but I assume you already know that as well .
Alia : maybe you aren't as stupid as i said you were
Tony : I'm flattered
And with that they make their way towards the tower .

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