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We got to the tower in silence, well as much silence as you can get when Tony puts on Led Zeppelin . She got a few strange looks walking into the tower but she shrugged i off . She was lead up to the meeting room were everyone was seated and waiting for her . Seeing that many people waited anxiously for her made her feel like she had brought herself into their lives and maybe they didn't want or need that .
Alia : um . Hello . My name is Alianova
Tony : Lia , before you start someone's missing
Alia : don't call me Lia also the spider-baby's in the elevator right now
At that exact moment Peter rushed out of the elevator and pulled on the push door for the meeting room hitting his head and falling down . She laughed at him before opening the door and offering her hand to help him up .

Peter POV
Shoot . I was late . Late for my first meeting with the avengers apparently they had met her at the cafe and made their way to the tower before i got there . So i was late to finding out who anonymous was . I pulled on the door handle and started making my way in when the door didn't open and i hit my head . The door opened revealing Alia . Did I seriously just die from bumping my head on a door and go to heaven cause there's an angle in front of me , she looked beautiful, her hair was half up half down with some strands flowing in subtle curls framing her face , her skirt was kinda short and tight , and her black leather jacket pulled the look together . She held out her hand for me giggling at the blush that had crept up my cheeks.

I giggled at him sitting on the floor , i giggled . Since when do I giggle. I couldn't help it he looked so cute and lost . But he's my friend nothing more . He's blushing awe . He's so innocent.

Third person POV
They stared at each other for a bit before Alia helped him up going back to her seat while he stood at the door awkwardly.
Peter : Lia ? What are you doing here ?
Tony : how come he gets to call you Lia ?!
Alia : cause he's special
Nat : special huh ? , she said with a smirk nudging Wanda
Alia : he's my friend, any friend of mine is special
Fury : ,shoving the door open , moving on . I see you've found her .
Alia : hie Joseph , she says with a smile
Bucky : Joseph ?
Alia : it's his middle name
Tony : , he started cackling
Fury : shut it Edward

Peter had taken his seat next to Alia , after apologizing for being late like a thousand times .
Fury : now young lady explain yourself
Alia : to explain myself you would have to hear my life story
Fury : we got time
Alia : ok then . I was kidnapped when i was two my uh ... my 'father' was the the leader of HYDRA at the time . After the avengers destroyed that base he had us move to Missouri were i met certain people that aren't relevant right now . When people around there got suspicious of his true intentions he moved us to the edge of New York were he probably is right now . This one night i had had enough of his shit and i snuck out to my lab were i completed SAGE , i got her to hack S.H.I.E.L.D and the secret avengers database unnoticed , I decided why not have some fun , so uh i joined your group chat . And now here we are .
Fury : how'd you get your powers ?
Alia : born with them
Peter : wait so your anonymous
Alia : not anymore
Peter : why didn't you tell me ?
Alia : I didn't want anyone to know , well it was fun while it lasted i have a movie night to prepare for
without leaving time for questions she walks out .
Sam : so we gon' pretend those two didn't just have a lil moment or ...
He trails off as Clint shoves him of the chair
Clint : don't embarrass the poor kid further she literally friend-zoned him
Nat : Clint ! He is right there
Peter : i'm gonna go
The team continues on with their discussion before supper but something about the way she talked about being on the edge of New York didn't seem right with him but who was he to barge into this girls life more than they already had in the past twenty-four hours.

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