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Tuesday - Friday

The next few days were a lot to say the least . Alia was more popular if that was possible . Peter wasn't being picked on which meant neither were his friends , but the amount of questions they received on the daily were not worth it . Though by the end of the week the dust had settled and people were slowly forgetting the events of Monday . Peter reminded Alia of their date on Friday telling her to be ready by six and he would pick her up . She was laying on her bed when a notification popped up on her phone .

tin man 🌚
Hey kids wanna grab lunch with us ?

pampers 🍼
Can't , i have to do my patrol now to make it in time for my date

bird boy 🦅
Pampers got a date , how much you paying her kid

tin man 🌚
Make sure you get home at a reasonable hour kid

pampers 🍼
Sure thing 'dad' , and Mr . Wilson i'm not paying her

Haha , tony they called you dad

tin man 🌚
At least i'm not the prehistoric block of ice

Steve , do you need some ice for that burn ?
Oh wait , you are the ice

tin man 🌚
haha suck it

Witchy 🌶🧚‍♀️
Are we still on for late lunch or will the kids just come to the compound

tin man 🌚
We'll come pick you up i was thinking France maybe Italy

You are not taking me out of the fucking country

tin man 🌚
Why not ? you're probably at your safest with us

science guy 🧬
You know she's actually at her safest alone at this point

tin man 🌚
Fine what about Shalom Grill , they have wonderful shawarmas

Sure you can pick me up at delmars

Sure thing kiddo
read at 14:09

She wasn't sure when she'd tell the rest of them her situation, but for now the ones that knew were okay with it , they hadn't been acting different towards her , they had excepted her . She knew she'd have to tell them sooner or later but now was not the time . She got up and fixed her hair before putting on her shoes. She walked to delmars and waited for Tony's car . When they got there she made her way to the car and they drove to Shalom Grill . She had to admit those shawarmas were heavenly. Tony sent the team off on their own , offering to drive Alia home .
Alia: this isn't the way to my house
Tony: we're not going to your house
Alia: that's not sketchy at all . I have powers , combat skills and pepper spray with me right now. Or worse i have Pepper's number , Tony lets out a snort and ditects Gappy .
Tony: we're here
Alia: where exactly is here ?
Tony : maybe if you stop complaining and actually come out here you'll see for yourself . Alia reluctantly got out of the car , to see a a park . Or at least it used to be a park , most likely made years ago and forgotten about . The wood work on the swings and play areas was ancient , but beautiful. It was surrounded by nearly perfectly aligned trees , which had benches under every one or so .
Alia : woah
Tony : i got lost this one night a couple of months ago and I couldn't help but come back . No one else knows about it not even Pepper .
Alia : then why bring me here ?
Tony : because i want to show that i trust you and that all of that banter in the chat was all fun and games . I also want you to be able to trust me too .
Alia : taking me to an abandoned park against my will is showing me that i can trust you ? You have weird tactics
Tony : but they work don't they
Alia : yeah , yeah they do
Tony : whenever life gets too much , you can come here to clear your head , it's a nice place , quiet too .
Alia : thank you Tony , I really appreciate it
Tony : no problem kid , now , how about we get you home .

£~That was when i truly felt wanted for the first time , like I wasn't just a waste of space . Thank you .

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