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The past twenty-four hours were a lot for Alia , but she came to terms with the fact that it was going to happen eventually. She went to bed after watching a movie with two of her closet friends at the orphanage. Laying in her bed she smiled , thinking of the blush that was on Peter's cheeks when he saw her , thinking about how the world seemed to stop , like everything froze in place and they were the only two , when she held his hand about to pull him up . The next day was Saturday  and she just so happened to have the morning shift at the diner. She liked the morning shifts mainly because very few people would come in that early in the morning. As she sat by the register scrolling through her Instagram feed a certain picture caught her eye .



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Liked by ned.skywalker and 196 others
@peterbparker : and you people ask me why i put so much product in my hair 😤
     @nedleeds : i said sorry the first time you explained ............

She caught herself smiling at the picture before liking it and continuing with her shift . At the end of her shift she bought some cinnamon buns for everyone, placing them carefully at the top of her bag , she notified her boss that she was leaving and walked out of the cafe . She had walked a few blocks knowing fully well that the simple silver nissan  had been following her since she left the cafe . She also knew that Peter had been watching her from the roofs of buildings with Clint on the opposite side of the street and Sam who pretended to be on a run . She stopped walking sitting down on a bench . She watched as Steve walked out if the car .

Steve: y'know i told them you would see me
Alia : a baseball cap isn't a disguise
Steve: we never finished our conversation yesterday
Alia : so you mean to tell me that Fury had to send you , Clint , Sam and Parker to come get me . You could've asked or sent me a text or called , it's not like I'm hiding from you guys . That last part was a lie , she was hiding, she didn't want them to know she was in an orphanage as yet .
Sam : you suck you know that , i ran six blocks for your ass , SIX !
Alia : drama queen , she said blankly . She agreed to go with them . She got to the tower Steve and Sam to her left , Peter and Clint to her right . Why they needed this many people she had no idea . When she got to their living quarters she plopped her bag down sitting on - throwing herself onto the nearest couch m and waited for them to speak .

Fury : Garcia , you might be wondering why you're here well you see -
Alia : well i know it has something to do with my powers seeing as i never fully answered you guys , i came prepared, cut the bullshit speech and get to the point .
Fury : you're going to demonstrate your powers so -
Alia : so that you can decide whether or not i'm a threat . I'll go get ready . Not waiting for a reply she walked away with Nat .
Fury : that kid just walked away from me , in the middle of a conversation . Does she know who i am !?
Bucky : trust me she does , and she couldn't care less
With Alia changed she was lead to the training room were the team was waiting for her .
Tony : okay kid show us what you can do

She walked to the corner of the room disappearing into the shadows , earning a few hasps from tne team she walked up behind them .

Alia : boo ! I'm a ghost , they turn to her , now you see me , she walks back into the shadows , now you don't
Wanda : how did you get there so fast
Alia : basically i can blend into the shadows and walk out were ever i want as long as there's a shadow . I can't really explain it .
Fury : write that down , shadow shortcut, next
The team watched as she stretched a ball a white light throwing it at Wanda who quickly blocked it ,
Steve : hey ! No sparing
Alia : i wasn't sparing , i knew she would block it cause in all honesty she's the only one who could block it , Fury along with Pietro glare at her , fine give me something to demonstrate on then , she watched as two guards dragged in about ten dummies . She repeated her original action
Sam : what's so special about white sparkles on a dummy
Alia : kick it, and he did just that only to be thrown across the room into the ball pit . It's a force field it can also make whatever or whoever is under it invisible.
Fury : force field projection and invisibility . Next !

She made a ball of pure black throwing it at a dummy that turned to ash
Fury : now what do you call that
Alia : i never decided all
Fury : alright . Molecular disintegration . Anything else ?
Alia : i need a volunteer , Pietro walks up . She grabs a hold of his neck and squeezes lightly and he falls to the floor .
Wanda : what did you do to him !?, you said you wouldn't hurt him
Alia : and I didn't i simply paralyzed him from the neck down , it works on any pressure points and depending on how hard I squeeze it last that long , once again I don't know how to explain it kay
Fury : paralysis, are you done
Alia : yep now , she sighs , i would appreciate being left alone my afternoon's booked . Bye .
Disappearing and changing she grabs her bag and walks out of the compound .

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