Black Dahlia

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After her little stunt last night the press was conflicted about her intentions. She was named 'The Black Dahlia' . People calmed down after they found out that the people who were murdered were HYDRA . The next day Alia walked into the compound after school that day holding a briefcase , and strutted into the meeting room , interrupting Fury's speech. All eyes were on her as she placed the briefcase in front of Fury and sat down .

The team watches  as he opens the briefcase and a white glow emits from it .
Fury : you're the Black Dahlia?
Alia : what do you think ?
Tony : there is no way , she's a girl there's no way she could kill all those men !
Nat : that's a bit sexist, a girl could easily kill a man , with the right motivation
Wanda : damn right she can
Alia : you forget i'm right here
Steve : Tony . Shut up . What's in the box ?
Alia : it's the super soldier serum from HYDRA, this was the last shipment, they were transferring it to another HYDRA base ,
Fury : is there anything you don't know about ?
Alia : nope , but i do want clarification on something
Pietro : what ?
Alia : i want to know why you guys went on eight missions, and had four group meetings without me , I thought we were past that , you guys literally invited me for Sam's birthday !
Tony : we forgot to notify you , it was an honest mistake
Alia : twelve honest mistakes ?
Nat : we told him we wanted you to a part of it , but he wouldn't budge .
Alia : dude , what's going on ? I'm not even mad , i just want to know
Bruce : we all do
Steve : agreed
Tony : kid , i just don't want you getting hurt
Alia : that's sweet and all but may i remind you that i independently robbed a HYRDA base , beat up Steve , Bucky and Sam , found out about you guys by hacking SHIELD , unnoticed might i add ,not to mention i got you the one thing that was stopping HYDRA from beating your asses . I am more than capable of keeping myself safe .
Tony : mhm sure , i'm just convinced this is luck
Sam : bro what the actual fuck
Tony : if she's not going to tell us how she can do all of this , how do we know she isn't a threat - another mandarin situation?
Fury : as long as she's working with us , she's not a threat
Tony : how do we know that you're not just the pretty little pawn , while somone who can actually do these things is the mastermind ?
Nat : Tony shut up !
Tony : so who's your master ?
Pietro : you sound crazy Stark
Wanda : you're hysterical
Tony : no , i'm just onto her
Sam : homeboy , you ain't onto shit
Bucky : that's messed up
Alia : so all of that stuff you said about trusting me was just absolute bullshit ? Was just a way to soften me up ? Nah , she says shaking her head , you , don't get to do that . You don't get to keep treating me the way he did . You don't get to keep underestimating me , and act like as if you're doing me a favor by allowing me to be a part of your little family act ! * she says calmly, tears brimming her eyes *
Tony : Alia i -
Alia : save it . Tell T'challa , I won't tell a soul about Wakanda and I won't leak any of your numbers . Under one condition
Tony : what is it ?
Alia : delete my number and leave me the hell alone
And with that final sentence she disappears . Simply vanishes from their line of sight .

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