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Tw : fighting , death , more fighting

Third Person POV

Yes ! Yes !Yes !Yes !Yes !Yes !
It's finally finished. I'm done , I'm finally done with my suit .
These were the things going through Alia's head when she had placed the suit on the stand . After admiring her work for a while she changed into her suit . Peter would still be on patrol by now so it was perfect . She had practiced with the suit before so she knew how to work it . She grabbed her pocket knife and the katanas Wade had given her .


Back when she stayed with her kidnapper she would sneak out and go on random trips . On one of those trips she met Deadpool , sitting on a roof eating chimichangas , and an unexpected friendship formed . He gave her his favorite katanas so that she could cut up the guy she was stuck with but she ended up just keeping them.

~back to the story

She found herself sitting on-top of a building watching the cars speed by and people slowly start to retreat o their homes . She watched the sun go down and the moon come out . She hopped from building to building until she saw some people robbing a jewelry store . She hops in through the sky light that they most likely used landing in the middle of all the chaos , and flipping her hood back .
Idiot 1 : get her !
Idiot 2 : sure thing boss , he starts throwing punches at her while the other members of the group watch in anticipation. She pins him down with his arm twisted behind his back .
Alia : night night Roy , she pushes his face to the ground so hard it knocks him out , standing up to see a gun raised at her face .
Idiot 3 : how about you leave and we forget about this , before i do something I won't regret
Alia : how about you drop the gun before i make you ?
Before he can react she grabs the gun and turns it to ash in her hand , before grabbing him by the collar and kicking him to a wall knocking him out . Someone grabs her from behind by the neck , chocking her . She struggles for a while before elbowing the guy in the stomach and flipping him onto his back . She places everything in its place , at least were she thinks i should be before triggering the alarm and tying the unconscious group to the front desk . She goes to walk out to be met by police cars and Spider-Man who lands right in front of her .
Police 1 : put your hands up and come with us
Alia : oh i'm not the bad guy , the guys you're here for are inside tied up and sitting on the floor . You're welcome
Spider-Man : Everyone! You can go now , it's under control !
Alia gets a few side eyes before the group eventually disperses , leaving the two vigilantes under the light of the moon .
Spider-Man : thank you for your help , i was busy stopping another crime on the other side of the city , and without you those criminals would've gotten away with it .
Alia : Parting is such a sweet sorrow , till me meet again
With that she jumps of the roof disappearing into the shadows , before she hits the ground .

£~ the next day

There was a buzz at school talking about Queens newest possible vigilante. No one knew her name , age , or even what she looked like . Peter on the other hand was haunted by those eyes . He knew those eyes , he just couldn't place who they belonged to .
He was on patrol walking on the edge of a roof when he saw something suspicious going on by the highway . He swung to another building that overlooked the bridge / highway. He was close enough to hear something.

Alia : Maximum effort., she takes a dead breath .

She walks off of the side of the bridge, landing in one of the cars in the convoy. She beats all of the men in the car, sending one flying out the back, and barely holding on.. One of the men takes her head and slams it into a car seat. She beats the man holding her down and snaps his neck. Someone rides up on a motorcycle next to the car. They fire into the car indiscriminately, killing everyone but Alia  and the driver.She kicks the door open, sending the person on the motorcycle flying. The guy holding on to the back of the car starts to pull himself up.Alia holds the gas pedal down, and they crash into the car in front of them.Alia  places both of the men in headlocks. Another car pulls up beside them. Inside, men are prepared to shoot.Alia swerves the car, causing it to flip and crash. In front of the car, a man on a motorcycle begins shooting. As the car flips,she grabs the man on the motorcycle by the waist, pulling him into the spinning wreck. A chain slices the biker's head off. Another man is sent flying, crashing into a highway sign. Bodies fall out of the car. Finally, the car comes to a stop. A number of men get out of their cars with guns and approach the car that Alia is in. She rolls down the window and pops his head up.

Alia: Hey! Oh!

The men begin shooting at him. She puts her dead back down. After a moment they stop. Some of them exchange glances and they all approach the car.
Another man begins shooting at her. Alia hides behind a car. The man reloads. The man shoots some more, then jumps on top of the car to find Alia . He tries to shoot, but his gun just clicks.

Alia : aw am i so special that you wasted all your bullets on me . My turn , she says a mischievous smirk on her face , but of course non of them can see it .

She pulls out one of her katanas and slices his achilles , the man falls backwards off the car knocking himself out .
Another man pulls out some knives and charges Alia .She takes out her swords and skewers the man. She stands for a moment collecting her breath before noticing another man about to run away with the package she's there for . She runs cartwheeling onto a car and launching herself into the air .

Peter * in his head * : Superhero landing, she's gonna do a superhero landing, wait for it!

Alia does a superhero landing.( just imagine Natasha's )

Peter *in his head * : Woo! Superhero landing. You know, that's really hard on your knees. Totally impractical. But they  all do it.

She kicks his leg , making him fall to the ground , falling unconscious . She picks up the package and the man , by the arm , and lets her hood down letting the breeze pick it up . Peter lands next to her , his throat dangerously close to the katana she held out when he landed . She lowers it when she see's it's him .

Spider-Man: woah !
Alia : you might wanna go , being caught with a bunch of bodies isn't good for the image ,
Spider-Man : were are you taking him
Alia : not sure yet , but i got to go before the press gets here

And with that she leaves , dramatically saluting to him .


So imagine Alia fighting as Deadpool in this scene . Just without as much death , less collateral damage and it's night time .

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