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Alia POV

Beep .Beep .Beep .
Ok, that's really annoying .
Everything hurts .
And everything smells sterilized .
I forced my eyelids open only to shut them at the sudden brightness of the room .
I tried again after a while . I had no idea how long i was out , the concept of time had just stopped for me .
I turned my head to the side hearing subtle snores . I saw Peter, asleep on a chair , locks of his hair falling over his eyes . Not long after i woke up i tried to sit up , hoping i would get a better idea of where i was although i had my ideas .

Peter woke up , probably from sensing me watching him . He stared at me dumbfounded that I was awake and grinning like an idiot at him . The door opened with a hiss allowing Bruce to walk in . So i was correct i was in the compounds med-bay . Tony entered shortly after . They both had sympathetic smiles on their faces .

Bruce : good to see you awake kid
Tony : yeah kid you had us all worried
Peter : oh my god Lia i am so sorry I didn't mean to knock you out -
Alia :'s all good , if someone was to knock me out , i'd want it to be you
Tony : that's sweet and all but kid we have to talk to her so you equals out .
Peter : i get it , bye pumpkin  ,

He leaves after giving me a kiss .

Bruce : Alia... you've been in a coma for three weeks , the public has announced you dead since they never found your body after the fire . So technically you're dead , considering the circumstances anyway .
Tony : you had three assassins , a witch and her twin , two government agents , and a bunch of other people worried . Kid we almost lost you , and I won't lie it scared me .
Alia : you don't have to worry it won't be happening again , promise .
Tony : i just want to apologize for what i said that day . I didn't mean any of it . I uh wasn't in the right state of mind .
Alia : are you ever ?
Tony : you try not sleeping for three days trying to finish upgrading peoples suits in time for a mission . Alone might i add because your favorite intern quit .
Alia : i except your challenge * yawn *
Bruce : you should get some sleep when you're up to it we'll do the tests .


Third person POV

Tony and Bruce made their way to the rest of the group that was seated anxiously waiting for an update . Relieved at the thought that she was awake things around the tower relaxed a bit .
The room she had originally been given was turned into a guest room again . She got a new room on the same floor as Tony , they had all agreed she would stay with them . She got to choose the little details which meant Wanda and Nat took her shopping. They made sure she got what made her happy .

It had been roughly a month since Alia woke up . Things were going good . Alia spent most of her time with Tony and Pepper . School was a no go until they figured out what to do with the press .

Alia POV

I was coming from late night training , waked out of the elevator onto my floor it was dead silent . What the hell is going on?  i thought
Alia : Tony ? Pepper you in here?
Tony : In the kitchen!
There were some steaming hot tea in coffee mugs , Tony was sitting at the table Pepper  as well, Either I'm dying or something is going on . Tony patted the chair next to him, I hesitantly walked to the table sitting down . The steam from the hot tea in front of me rose, this was making me nervous, whatever is happening, it makes me really very nervous.
Tony : Okay Alia , we want to talk to you about something really important and it's really important that you be honest about what you think about it,
Alia : What is this about?"
Tony : i am aware that i a lot has happened lately and I know we've come a long way since we met , especially in the last month .
Alia : i'm sensing a but ...
He stayed quiet locking eyes with Pepper before sliding a piece of paper towards me . I picked it up and looked at it . It was an adoption certificate and at the top it had my name in bold type, it said in the state of New York .
Alianova Maria-Grace Garcia , has been formally adopted into the Stark Family By Pepper and Tony Stark , and at the bottom it has both their signatures .
Tony : Well what do you think?
Alia : Can you even do this I'm not exactly a umm...
Tony : Orphan?
Pepper : We know that but your "real parent" is facing life in prison, you might as well be
Alia : wait what ?
Tony : i did some reading on the guy , found out what he had been doing to you , found him guilty of a few other charges , with tons of evidence , plus the fact that he left you at an orphanage ; he's in jail kid ,
I was trying so hard not to cry
Pepper : Besides we've been the one's looking after you, keeping you out of trouble, we want you taken care of Chipmunk
Tony : If you are uncomfortable with this -
Alia : No, that's not it
* You know when your eyes glaze because you are fighting back the tears well that is what's happening because I can feel it ,
Alia : Why go to all this trouble?
Tony : Because weather you realize it or not Alia we love you , and want you taken care of . You've grown on me kid .
Pepper :so what do you say ?
I simply nodded and mumbled a yes , and let the tears overflow .

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