Hulk Blood

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~ call ~
{ the next day 13:45 }

Rhodey : Stark we talked about this
Tony : i'm not the one who called
Natasha : hey kid you kinda disappeared yesterday you good
ANONYMOUS: yeah you know the mission that you just got assigned
Natasha : yeah ......
ANONYMOUS: no need to do it -
Wanda : but if we don't do it innocent people will die
Tony : so using that logic you're a threat because your ok with innocent people dying
ANONYMOUS: before i was so rudely interrupted i was going to say because I already did it for you
Bucky : there is no way that you just robbed a HYDRA base in fifteen minutes
ANONYMOUS: ten actually
Tony : i want proof
ANONYMOUS: you mean other than the plasma that just got delivered
Tony : JARVIS ? * he says more to himself than anything *
JARVIS : it is indeed so Mr . Stank
Tony : what did you call me
ANONYMOUS: oh yeah I updated JARVIS so no he'll call you Mr . Stank and if you get past my eight firewalls he will start calling you Mrs . Lollipop
Sam : oh wow i love you
Tony : i want more proof
ANONYMOUS: you're so hard to please fine !

Alia sent a video

* Video ** it's being played on the big screen *

The camera is facing the ground to show a pair of navy-blue converse and a voice is talking
ANONYMOUS: hey there my lovelies and Tony i'm outside of a HYDRA BASE ( the camera pans up to show the base with four guards at the entrance . Let's go rob them of some Hulk Blood ! ( there's some shifting in the background until the camera is still . SAGE mask up * there's a flashing light at the top of the screen * lets go . She walks up to the guards who immediately put ip their weapons.
'босс послал меня забрать радиоактивную плазму' she yells at them not a single trace of fear or emotion in her voice . The guards give her a look . ' и кто позволил тебе посмотреть на меня. теперь двигайся!' the guards scatter away allowing her to enter the compound. She skips around the base taking her time .

'How does a kid manage to get into a HYDRA BASE alone when we can't do it as a team
' she called me lovely ' Peter whispers .
' she knows Russian. That's hot ' Natasha says .
' translate please Tasha ' Wanda says at the edge of her seat .
' oh she said the boss sent me to collect the radioactive plasma . Then when the guards looked at her she said and who allowed you look at me . Now move ! '
' tha-' she's cut of by an alarm blaring in the video

* over the speakers * : get the girl she's lying.
ANONYMOUS doesn't move any faster she strolls around until she's met face to face with a group of guards . She swings the plasma around * it's in a glass case around twelve centimeters long * putting it on the ground then with no warning she lunges at the closest guard . She does a double salto layout with a half-twist kicking the guard to the wall . All the camera see's next is a lot of blood and tons of grunts and screams * all from the guards * , they also see her arms turn a porcelain black and everything she touches turn to dust/tar or stone . She picks up the plasma after her hands go back to normal . She walks slowly out of the compound and when she's back to her hiding place her eyes turn white and a dome of white light surrounds her apparently making her invisible because a guard checks the very spot and they see the camera zoom in on his face . She places the miniature camera on the ground flicking her wrist to show a bracelet she clicks a button and the camera regrows .
ANONYMOUS: i just robbed a secret Russian base with nothing but my bike . * with that she hops onto her bike with the dome still around her protecting her from random bullets and the video stops .

The team is sat at the edge of their individual seats .

Tony : she has a better version of my Photostatic Veil .
Sam : don't forget the superpowers
Natasha : she's from the KGB
Everyone : what ?
Tony : how do you know ?
Natasha: the uh .. the fighting stance she had when she was talking to the guards it's very subtle but it's there and it's very effective . You can only , learn it there . * she was far from tears but her voice was shaky *
Wanda : but she's just a kid
Natasha : yeah a kid who's gone through hel and back

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