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Third person POV

The avengers had sat Peter down and gotten Natasha to ask him about Alia's whereabouts. He cracked . He told them that at the moment he had no idea where she was but knew where she would be . He also happened to tell them that he knew because they were dating . So now the avengers were getting ready to go out as civilians . It was late but Alia had the night shift . Due to a ch age in the schedule she ended up not being there and was now at home . She was fast asleep when the group walked into the diner at midnight . Tony did the logical thing , which insisted of waking up Peter , telling him to go get Alia and swing her to the tower . Peter in his half asleep state , got his Spider-Man suit on and skipped right back into the blankets . On Alia's end a fire had broken out , how ? No one really knows . Everyone was still asleep in the house and the fire was small enough that the fire department hadn't been notified. Peter jolted awake when his phone rang again . It was Tony asking if he was on his way . Peter cut the call , and crawled out of his window . He made his way to the orphanage surprised to find fire trucks following him .

Alia POV

I was still asleep when i heard the sirens . It was either the police , an ambulance or the fire department. That's when i smelt the smoke . By the time i was fully awake the fire department had gotten everyone out . It was just me but the structure of the building was faltering to much and they were trying to figure out how to do it safely. My eyes were watery as i made my way towards a wall , ready to use the shadows as a hiding place . I walked up to the wall and hit my head , falling to the floor . My powers weren't working . Panic set in as i heard the crunch if the support beams and the crumbling of a wall .

Peter POV

The firemen didn't noticed me as I watched it all unravel , and started looking for Alia in the crowd . When I didn't find her outside , the adrenaline kicked in and i swung  into the building through a window . The shit kept me safe as i searched for her . I found her sat on the floor holding her head . I walked closer to her avoiding the small fires . I suddenly felt i pain in my jaw . I spun around to see this guy . He was tall and jacked like bodybuilder jacked . He threw another punch . My super senses weren't working anymore . I couldn't see all that clearly either . I managed to kick him but he caught my leg and threw me to a wall . I watched the guy walk through the flames and make his way to Alia . I noticed a broken support beam above him so i shot a web and yanked down as hard as i could . The beam fell and pinned him down . It also knocked Alia out in the process . I rushed over , picked her up and shielded her from melting glass as i swung through another window out of the building. I landed on another roof . Her breathing was shallow and she had a large cut on the side of her head . * shit * .

I swung to Stark tower gaining my energy after getting the smoke out of my lungs . I had gotten FRIDAY to call Mr . Stark for me ahead of time so he met me on the roof , taking Alia from me . I felt really dizzy watching them walk away .
Stark : kid ? Are you -
I didn't hear the rest as i fell limp to the ground .


It was around three in the fucking am when Pete called me . So i picked up . He was talking frantically and i bar,ey got a word of what eh was saying , but i waited on the roof like he said . He landed in front of me holding Alia . I wasn't sure what had happened but she looked tiered , to say the least . I took her from him and started to walk away when i noticed
Peter wasn't following me .
Tony : are you okay kid ?
He fell limp to the ground
Tony : shit , FRIDAY wake up Banner


Both the kids were in the med-bay . Bruce yelled at me for calling him before he saw Alia .
After a few tests it turned out they had nerve gas in their systems , they would wake up in a few hours depending on how much they inhaled . Bruce stitched up the cut on Alia's head and a few other scrapes here and there . We left them to sleep .


Peter woke up four hours ago . He told us what he knew . He had to go to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters to give them a description  of the guy he fought . I did a but more research on nerve gas and the kids got very lucky . They could've ended up with permanent power loss , their bodies could've shut down , it was possible that they could've ended up with memory loss too . One problem though . Nerve gas , is only made , oh i don't know try everywhere ! I couldn't trace it . The team was having breakfast in the common room when Clint gasped. Very dramatically by the way Clint . He proceeded to grab the tv remote and changed the channel before anyone could protest the news report sounded over everyone's voice .

News Anchor :  one  person died in Queens last night due to a fire that killed one person  in Queens last night during a fire .
News Anchor 2 : fire officials say one person died due to the fire which was too hot for her body .
News Anchor : 16 year old Alianova Maria-Grace Garcia died last night , during a fire that burnt the orphanage to the ground .
News Anchor 2 : she was a bright young girl . She was helpful and put others before herself . We have not been able to gather statements from friends and family yet but our condolences to you all for your loss .

Wanda : Alia's dead !?
Nat : what...?
Tony : she's not dead , she almost was , but she's not . She's in the lab , recovering
Sam : so why are they saying she's dead
Bruce : they probably didn't see Peter swing her out of the building, and they couldn't find her body after the building was doused so she's pronounced dead now .
Steve : okay what the actual fuck .
Bucky : can we go see her ?
Tony : she's not awake yet
Clint : but she will wake up...right ?
Bruce : we don't know how much nerve gas she inhaled before Peter got to her , so all we can do is hope for the best .

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