The Simulation

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It was new years and Tony was throwing a party , like always . Everyone was so dressed up and mingling together . The press had gotten it"s fair share of interviews already so there was a weight lifted off of majority of people's shoulders as they got to not worry about the press . The night had gone really well and now people were gathered on the roof watching the fireworks and waiting for the ball to drop , when it did Alia's vision went white . She couldn't hear or see anything as she fell into nothingness.

Alia woke with a jolt. She had shaken herself awake, body trembling within the wires she was bound to. The first thing she noticed was that she was shaking unbearably. The second thing she noticed was where she was ; she glanced down from where she was tied against an odd shaped chair. She  squinted through the light and realized that she was in a lab . People in coats walked in cautiously as if she was dangerous. Glancing around the room she realized where she was . Her father walked in with a smug smirk on his face as he sat across from her . Her vision cleared and by then she was sure she knew what had happened .

Antonio : well...?don't just sit there looking clueless , tell me what you saw tell me what does the future read .

When Alia remained silent he slapped her and sat back down mumbling something about bringing in Rumlow .

António: I didn't have my team build you a full room with the technology that you needed for just for you to not give me anything ! Now talk child

Just then screams and shouts were hood down the hallway oh, the avengers were attacking to be specific they avengers were attacking the Hydra bass in Missouri . Her father grabbed her shoulder and lead her to their emergency exit . Then it all came back to her , her father telling her how HYDRA could use her gift to get rid of the avengers and explaining that the simulator was ready for her . She had never met the avengers. She had never texted them . She didn't know them , at least not yet . It had all been a simulation of he future , that was her gift , she could see into the future just not far enough to see what she saw without a machine . Her thoughts were abruptly cut off by him injecting her with something, that was the serum that gave her her other powers ! He told her to run to their safe house , which she did and whilst she was there she met Peter Quill and his friends , not for long though. She waited for him and he eventually came for her , with new passports and everything telling her how he lost his job and had wasted money on her stupid project that hadn't worked . Little did he know that she knew everything that would happen within the next year or so . She knew how they would move to the edge of New York just so they could steer clear of the other HYDRA agents that would be looking for them . She knew how she would hack S.H.I.E.L.D and talk to the avengers. She knew it all , all except why it had to be that way . For now she would live it out , live out the life that was supposed to go perfectly, up until the point she knew . She never looked into the future again , for fear it would change hers , and she never told her father anything.

She would play the game called life , how it wanted her to play it with all its cringy-ness and all its awkwardness and suckyness . And she did that , she played her role perfectly and no one knew it was all a performance that would save her from the wrath of HYDRA . In the end it played out just how it was supposed to.

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