You good ?

992 34 5

Tw : none

Wednesday 14:00

tin man 🌚
Kid it's been two days you good ?

witchy 🌶🧚‍♀️
You're usually the one to start the conversations are you ok ?

Who do i need to kill ?

birdie boy
Where'd you go kid the chat is so quiet without you i feel like blocking these people cause all they ever talk about is the news and the weather and up coming missions

reindeer games 🎰
Correction Steve is the one who brings up the first two topics hen fury talks about missions

Thursday 12:00am

Private chat

bucket 🪣
Hey kid i can't sleep can you tell me a story like you usually do

Private chat

Kid where are you ?

Private chat

Sonic 💙
Hey kid everyone's worried about you

Friday 08:00 am

Group chat

tin man 🌚
Kid look . I know we aren't on the best of terms and we wouldn't even be having this conversation if you hadn't been bored enough to hack a secret organization, but I'm worried about you kid . I've known you for what ? four months know and this has never happened whats going on , on your side of the screen.

tin man 2 🌞
Look kid even I'm worried at this point it's been a week were are you

Private chat

hammer 🔨
Loki has not left his room since you disappeared, you were helping him bond with the rest of the team , he was starting to talk a lot more . But now with your sudden disappearance everyone is quieter than usual and no one's talking that much not even Sir Sam .

Group chat

science guy 🧬
Hey kid . I don't know what's happening in your life but if you could reach out to any of us please do

boss man
Kid , you've got my team in a mess , they won't talk , they won't walk around the compound, they won't even have dinner together, you have made such an impact on these peoples lives and yet they barely know anything about you , and this little stunt you've pulled is throwing them out of their game . I haven't been able to track you down neither has anyone else we know including Shuri and that girl is so smart it's a pain in the ass . So you best show the fuck up because i need my team in tip top shape if they're going to succeed on this mission. I still don't even know how you find out about our missions so I don't know if you know just how risky this mission is . Now I won't lie you've been a pain , but you're important to these people so if your absence is going to screw with them i will have to track you down , but we both know I can't do that .

katniss 🏹
Kid you got Fury to worry where are you ?

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