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In actuality Alia spent the day alone , reading a book in the park listening to some music , when her phone lit up .

Private Chat

Hey kid i know you just left but i'm having a small party and yes I actually mean it's going to be small , for family and friends and you're welcome to join


Well i mean everyone already loves you so why not

i may or may not come what time is it

It starts at ten
read at 16:35

She let her head fall back onto the grass , the last time she was at a party was when her kidnapper had some friends over and it did not end well . She was lost in thought when a familiar face popped up .
Alia : hey Pete
Peter : still calling me that huh?
Alia : i let you call me Lia don't i ?
Alia : wanna go to a party ? , she says with a mischievous tone in her voice and a smirk on her lips .
Peter : i don't know Lia I don't do parties
Alia : please i don't want to be the only teen there , she says making really big puppy dog eyes .
Pete : fine
Alia : yay I'll meet you at delmar's at quarter to ten , she says messing up his hair and leaving


Alia POV

I can't believe i'm doing this , i was sitting on my bed trying to decide whether or not i would go . I decided i would pick out an out an outfit and if i liked it I would go . It was fairly warm so I canceled out a jacket , I didn't want to wear a dress or a skirt so i looked at my jeans . After five outfit changes i found one i liked .

 I put it on checking myself out in the mirror

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I put it on checking myself out in the mirror . Damn i looked hot . I looked at the time on my phone i has taken thirty-five minutes picking out an outfit so i might as well go .
I had walked a few blocks , making my way to delmars to wait for Peter . At around ten to Peter walked in , i hadn't expected to see him in black jeans , a white shirt with some stupid joke on it and a sweater in his hands . He looked really cute . Shit . I could feel myself blush . His eyes lit up when he found me .
Peter : Lia you look really nice - not that you didn't look nice before you did but -
Alia : you look nice too
Peter : thanks . So uh were are we going ? , he questions as we make our way to the streets of Queens
Alia : the avengers compound , i say nonchalantly
Peter : what ?!
Alia: no big deal it's just them and some of their family members.
Peter : how will we get there it's such i long walk , and even if we take the bus it'll take us like thirty minutes
Alia : never thought of that come here , without waiting for an answer i drag him to an alley , double checking that no one was there , and walking into the shadows
Peter : what about me ?
Alia : hold my hand , he reluctantly takes it . His hands were warm and soft and sweaty , but I didn't mind . We walk back out and we're stood by the compound.
Peter : woah
Alia : cool right
We took the elevator to the floor and once the doors open it's just the avengers and their families . I go to turn around forgetting about Peter who'd been staring at me the whole elevator ride when i feel a hand on my shoulder. I see Tony .
Sam : didn't think you'd show
Tony : yeah we placed bets
Nat : what made you come ?
Alia : i shrugged , found the perfect outfit
Tony : well then , there's food and drinks
Peter : uh Mr.Stark neither of us can drink
Tony : right sorry , we have juice and other non-alcoholic beverages
I'll admit it wasn't all that bad , i've gotten along with everyone pretty well considering the whole knowing them for the past few months . I noticed Peter rarely took his eyes of me , whenever i caught him i would blush and try to brush it off . Nat and Wanda kept making fun of me and the little crush i had on him , of course every time they tried bringing it up i would deny it for fear he didn't like me back . Mail y cause i always got mixed signals from him . He had a crush on Liz anyway so i decided to not hurt anyone i would keep my feelings to myself .

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