Think about it

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Tw : none

That night after the dance Peter had offered to walk Alia home but she refused saying that if she got home with a boy her Step dad would kill him . She just didn't feel comfortable with telling Peter in that moment. When she got home he called to make sure she was safe . They hadn't talked about what they were yet , i mean they had just confessed their feelings it still felt all too raw so they just left it at that . She woke up at around seven am . Peter called saying he had a day planned with his Aunt May so they couldn't hang out . She was okay with it saying that she had a day planned too . That was a lie , until she got a text from a certain bird .

Private chat

bird boy 🦅
Bucky , Steve, Clint and i are training together today and since it's Saturday you should come

To train with you guys ? lmao no

bird boy 🦅
What why ?

do you realize how much work that sounds like

bird boy 🦅
I mean true but you get to kick Steve's ass

Alright be there in ten

bird boy 🦅

Exactly 15 minutes later

Sam : fucking hell kid , he says struggling to pick himself off the ground
Alia : you asked for it
Sam : I can't feel my body , he says throwing himself on a bench
Alia : sorry you can't keep up with me , she says pouting
Bucky : you got beat up by a girl ?
Alia : why is that so surprising to you , Nat and Wanda could both do what i did , now watch ya mouth before i make you , because whether you like it or not me and a bunch of other girls could kick your asses any day
Bucky : get in the ring , he says , ducking under to enter the match , Alia adjusts her gloves .
Bucky : no gloves just hands
Alia: tell that to your metal arm
Bucky : i need an arm
Alia : a metal one ?
Sam : that's so not fair
Alia : you know what ? whether he has the arm or i have the gloves , I'll still kick his ass
Bucky : we'll see
Alia : you'll see
Immediately, Bucky lunges for the girl , she quickly ducks . She kicks his knee making his legs give out and drop to the ground. He quickly picks himself up and punches her in the stomach. She silently grunts , as he goes in for another punch . She easily catches it and twists his arm along with her body . Upside down , she wraps her legs around his shoulders and pushes his body to the ground , with her legs on each side of him .
Bucky : good game
Alia : okay Clint you're up
Clint : oh hell no , i have a wife and kids i need to go home to , he shakes his . Steve passes an ice pack to Bucky and takes his place .
Steve : lets see if you can take me , tell me to stop if you get hurt
Alia : sure thing capsicle
Steve : I'm serious , don't play around
Alia throws a punch at Steve which he catches . He looks conflicted on his next move .
Alia : i can take you don't worry about me , she smirks noticing how he's hesitant on hitting her . Stop hesitating , hit me with your best shot eagle scout .
He takes her fist , and uses it to lunge her body all the way across the gym , outside of the boxing mat . The guys hear a loud crack . She groans and shuts her eyes tightly, trying to get up only to fall back own .
Sam : Steve !
Steve : I didn't mean to throw you that hard or that far ....
Alia : Steven , Steven , Steven , i don't think it's me we should be worrying about here , she says with a smirk , standing up and popping her shoulder back in place . Let's have some fun . You can use your shield now .
Clint : no way
Sam : even I don't think that's a good idea
Steve : Alia you took a hard hit , you proved yourself already, you took on three of the most highly trained shield agents -
Alia : and i'm about to finish with the third one . Don't hesitate to throw me again Rogers . She throws his shied, at him , he catches it easily . Alia runs up to Steve , launches herself off his knee , kicking his face mid air . She flips back to the ground , as he groans holding his noes . Blood trickles down his chin and onto the matted floor . He throws his shield at her . She catches it and launches it back towards him .
Alia : yeet ! , she yells as the shield collides with his knee cap , making him yell out in pain and drop to the floor
Bucky : c'mon Steve , you're embarrassing me .
Steve grabs hold of the ropes around the ring for support as he stands up . He runs to the gurl and swings his fist , she ducks under grabbing his arm and flipping him to the ground , she twists his arm .
Steve : ow ow ow okay stop
Bucky : holy macarena
Sam : Steve got clapped by a sixteen year old !
Steve : i got beat up by a sixteen year old , i'm so out of it
Alia : don't be too hard on yourself , she says helping him sit on the bench .
At that moment Nat walks in with Wanda and Bruce
Nat : what happened here ? , she says chuckling to herself
Alia : i did
Nat : you beat them up
Sam : i think i have a concussion, he says rubbing his head
Bruce : lets get you guys checked up she really did a number on you huh ?
Clint : i saw it all it was awesome
Wanda : I'm assuming you were too scared to go up against her , which is why you look perfectly fine
Alia : you got that right
Wanda : wanna go for lunch ?
Alia : sure
Nat : i'll go get the car
Wanda : Natasha no !
Alia : this is gonna be fun . She says under her breath

32 minutes later

Nat : you know the funny thing Tony thought you were just like this over text , but wow I almost chocked on my milkshake
Alia : what can i say , i bring variety to your boy band
Wanda : speak of the devil , and the devil shall appear . Fury's calling us in for a meeting you too Alia
Nat : are you going to go
Alia : what's the worst that could happen

One very short drive later

Alia : alright everyone your favorite bitches are here , bursting through the door
Sam : you came
Nat : she has nothing better to do don't flatter yourself
Fury : sit down so we can get started . As we all unfortunately know Alianova over here knows a lot-
Alia : unfortunately. what do you mean unfortunately, excuse you what do you mean unfortunately, i am wonderful, and you should appreciate my presence in your lives .
Fury : as i was saying she knows a lot , not to mention she has powers , powerful ones . She also seems to be a genius-
Alia : no say it with me , is a genius
Fury : if you interrupt me one more time
Alia : you're gonna what throw me in the raft , I don't think so i have broken no law
Fury : you hacked multiple -
Alia : do you have proof of that , didn't think so
Fury : I can't with you right now , as i was saying she is a genius . She also too down three of my best agents . So the council has made a decision that she should join the avengers.
Pietro : so she's joining the team -
Alia : not if i have a say in it
Bruce : but the council -
Alia : I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it
Fury : just think about it kid , you could become head of the STEM and technology department , get to go on missions , get paid , or you could refuse and we'll throw you down in the basement
Alia : like you could take me , she mumbles,
Bucky : mhm
Alia : i will hot glue hello kitty magnets to your arm while you sleep
Bucky : i'm not intimidated
Sam : then why are you holding my hand
Bucky : bromance ?
Sam : nah you scared of the teenager
Fury : as i was saying it's a win or lose situation here
Alia : i'll think about it
Fury : bitch please what's there to think about
Alia : a lot now you know ere to find me
Tony : actually we don't
Alia : you'll figure it out

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