You're short

1K 31 6

Tw : none

So when do we get to meet you

Around the same time you remove the stick from your ass

Well you're being extra bitchy today

Hey unknown person

Yes , bestfriend ?

Can you tell me some things about yourself

Sure dude
My middle name is Maria-Grace
I live in New York
I'm really good at art
I like : pizza
Computer science
Star wars
Baking / cooking
The color black
I hate : being undermined
my dad
I'm 5'2"
I have jet-black hair that reaches my waist
I have brown eyes
Anything else you wanna know besides my main name ?

You're short

if you come to Asgard with me we can read together sometime

That would be awesome

How come you never answered me when i asked

Cause , you , still don't trust me .

She never fails to leave me at a loss for words

That goes for all of us

Since you like baking why don't you send us some cookies



I vote muffins


I can just imagine you guys typing furiously whilst death staring each other from across the room

How about we don't eat food sent to us by a random stranger

See you don't trust me so you're not getting any
I'll see what i can do about the rest of you guys

Third person pov

Jarvis : Ms Romanoff a package has arrived at the front office with your name on it
Nat : thanks
The group watches her leave and then watch her rush back in a few minutes later with three huge boxes labeled fragile with no return address.
Nat : guys you won't believe it
She cuts open the first box and find a bunch of muffins , carefully placed in smaller holders to prevent being smushed. The second box has cookies and the third one has brownies. Theres a smaller box in the muffin box with plums written 'For Bucky' . When they've taken out all the muffins , cookies and brownies they find a note at the bottom .

Hey guys
No one will eat the plums in the small box except for Bucky . The brownies have nuts in them because Nat loves nuts so Bucky it's probably best if you don't eat the brownies . I took note of all your allergies and made sure they were safe to eat . Natasha make sure Tony doesn't eat anything. Tell me how they were afterwards . Bucky if they eat your plums just tell me . I also packed some oatmeal raisin cookies for Loki .


Clint : this is , chew chew chew , the BEST muffin i have ever had
Nat : you should try the brownies , like mmm
Sam : Bucky what did she man by , you can't eat nuts ?
Bucky : i'm allergic to nuts
Loki : see Stark nothing wrong with the cookies
Tony : fine pass me one
Natasha disappears into the pantry for a bit before coming back out and throwing a pack of stale cookies at him .
Tony : what the . No . I want those ones
Nat : bosses orders you can't eat these
Tony : what'll she do if i eat one she's probably not even going to find out , he reaches and grabs a muffin
JARVIS: SIR my system-
SAGE : Put . The . Muffin . Down ...
Tony : or what ?
SAGE : I really wish you had listened , she lasers the muffin out of his hand
Tony : really !? He grabs another one
SAGE : she was right you are stupid , she lasers that one too he keep trying and starts running around the room before everything goes quiet and the lights turn of
SAGE : just give up she doesn't want to embarrass you in front of your team
Tony : , wheeze , i , give , wheeze , up . He walks to the couch and falls on it .
Sam : wheeze , now imagine if he had taken a plum
Wanda : i just imagine it ahhahah
Steve : you'd think he would've learnt by now that there's no defying this girl .


Hey so i feel like i know you guys well enough to change your names so......

Natasha has been changed to Nat ♥️👑
Wanda has been changed to   witchy🌶🧚‍♀️
Steve has been changed to     steeb👴🏻🧊
Bucky has been changed to    bucket 🪣
Tony has been changed to      tin man 🌚
Peter has been changed to    pampers 🕷
Bruce has been changed to   science guy 🧬
Sam has been changed to      birdie boy 🦅
Clint has been changed to      katniss 🏹
Thor has been changed to      hammer 🔨
Loki has been changed to       reindeer games 🎰
Fury has been changed to       boss man
Pietro has been checking to sonic 💙
Rhodey has been changed to   tin man 2 🌞

Got to go

pampers 🕷
Why ?
Read at 16:12

hammer 🔨
Hammer ? Is that the best she could come up with ?

boss man
And why don't i get an emoji

tin man
Am i the only one who didn't know that fury was in this chat


birdie boy
Well she's gone so i'm leaving too adios amigos. And pampers

Bye losers

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