Of Course

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Alia walked into the school gates and went straight for the reception. She stood in line then got to the lady at the desk .

Alia : hie i'm Alianova Garcia i'm the new student here . The lady smiled and handed her a piece of paper with her timetable on it .
Receptionist:Welcome to Midtown School of science and technology. Here's your timetable , your buddy will be here soon .
Alia : my buddy ?
Receptionist : yes someone to take you around the school , with that she started talking to another student. I sat down and waited for my ' buddy ' .
Peter : hie i'm here to take the new kid around school
Receptionist : great she's over there , Peter turned and walked over to Alia who's head was down just wanting the day to end
Peter : hey , i know first days can be hard but i'm here to help .
Alia lifted her head to see Peter's eyes staring into her own . Of Course it had to be him .
Peter : hie i'm Parker Peter - i-i mean Peter Parker
Alia : i know who you are
Peter : what ?
Alia : , shit now what do i say , i saw your picture in the year book
Peter : good to know you're enthusiastic about this . I'm going to be your buddy for the week because we have the same classes , he held out his hand to help her up
Alia : i'm Alianova , she took his hand and something between them sparked , she felt his soft palm against hers, then quickly let go .
Peter : lets go we still have 45 minutes of home room left
They walked into class and Alia could feel all eyes on her
Mr Harrington : do you have a good reason for being late today Peter
Peter : oh yeah this is Alianova
Mr Harrington : ok Peter you can take your seat .
Mr Harrington : why don't you tell the class about yourself
Alia : , don't forget what your dad told you , no one should know the truth. Well my name is Alianova Maria-Grace Garcia  , she knew her name was hard to pronounce . But you can just call me Alia . I like books and star wars and other things like baking or anything to do with computers really .
Mr Harrington : thank you Alia . So MJ i know you like working alone but now that there's an even number of us Alia can be your partner. Alia go take your seat .

This was just home room and she was already sick of this school . When she was talking about herself she saw Flash gawking at her . There was nothing special about it , she was in a loose black top and had thigh length a camo style pinafore over it , some black converse , her bracelet and ring ( just incase ) and her hair had double v braids with mini buns ( outfit https://pin.it/5K5dXwa hair https://pin.it/5mYtBmF * Pinterest * ) . She felt like puking she'd heard the stories and just the knowledge that he was looking at her with such malicious intent sent a shiver down her spine .
The rest of the day went surprisingly slow , and everyone was so nice . She ended up sat next to MJ for every lesson they had together. It was either MJ or Liz ( apparently both girls liked working alone . Lunchtime came and she just kind of stood there looking for somewhere to sit when she saw Liz calling her over ( Peter Mj and Ned weren't there yet )
Liz : we have gym after lunch you can come join my group
Alia : thanks , you fake bitch
She was about to go put away her tray when Flash walked over .
Alia : who are you ? , she knew fully well who Flash was
Flash : the names Flash , he said it in such a bragy way like she was lucky to be in his presence
Alia : nice meeting you
She went to stand up only to be held down by his hand on her lap
Alia : , Get the Flip Flap Tic Tak Wick Wack Nick Nack Chit Chat Hat away from me because Flash . Flash . Flash if you don't take your hand of me in the next three seconds you won't have a hand . He moved his hand up her thigh . Her eyes darkened, her smile faded and she right-hooked high so hard a tooth flew out , stood up grabbed his hand , twisting it and forced it up behind his back between his shoulder blades
Flash : ow ow ow
Alia : next time you'll listen when a girl says don't touch me , she throws
Betty : damn girl
Liz : he deserved it
Betty : you're only saying that because he broke up with you over text last night
Liz : shut up

After gym Peter helped her sign up for extracurricular's and just like that she was in art , Academic Decathlon and Cheerleading . The rest of the day was pretty boring until computer science sure her teacher was an absolute ass towards her hinting that she wasn't supposed to be there and she was just a pretty face up until she corrected him various times and completed her advanced courses during her free period. She walked down the steps and a car pulled up in front of her .
Flash : before you say anything i'm not touching you i'm talking to you -
Alia : and if you keep talking to me you won't have a tongue
Flash : feisty me likey
Alia : dude take a hint

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