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Alia POV

Okay then , my boyfriend is waiting for me downstairs, which means i have about thirty minutes before he goes insane . Daisy's cooking with him so he should be fairly distracted.
Now for the hard part . What on earth do i wear . He said a walk . What type of walk . I'll just do casual. It's pretty sunny outside i'll go with this .

I dried my hair letting it fall messily into its natural curls

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I dried my hair letting it fall messily into its natural curls . I was about to race downstairs when i calmed myself and walked . I found him talking to everyone . It was honestly so hectic to watch him try and answer all the questions they were asking , but once he noticed me staring he smiled and excused himself.

Third Person POV

They made it to the park and Alia sat on a swing next to Peter and they talked for a while . Soon they were playing, running around the park and swinging on the swings and getting hit by stray balls from other kids . They went deeper into the wood not noticing the sky darkening. Alia had stopped trying to run and was waiting for Peter to catch her , she just didn't expect him to tackle her to the ground, to which she responded by flipping him over so she was straddling him . The moment didn't last long though because as thunder and lightning collided it started raining.
Peter : we better go , he says getting up
Alia : wait . dance with me
Peter : what ?
Alia : pretend the world doesn't exist and dance in the rain with me
And then she  was dancing. Arms flailing in the sky above her. His hand grabbed hers and she was swung backward, dipped low, then soaring into the air, the flashing colors momentarily blinding her then as she touched the ground again and skidded to a smiling, breathless halt .
They were jumping around , laughing , letting the rain fall around them . Then they were holding each other , as the trees around them blurred . They were laughing as they made their way back . They kissed goodbye and went their separate ways .


This was a filler chapter hence the shortness.
But you really should try dancing in the rain , it feels amazing

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