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By the time Tony dropped Alia off it was around five twenty and since Peter hadn't told her were they were going she sat and contemplated her outfit . She took a shower and sat on her bed , her wet hair in a bun on her head . She decided on a black crop hoodie and skinny jeans , drying her hair and leaving it down ; putting light mascara and a winged liner , not forgetting gloss . She was ready to go by five fifty eight . She walked to the mirror for one last check-up before making her way to the diner he had texted about . She entered looking around and meeting his eyes, they seemed to light up when he saw her . She took her seat opposite him .
Peter : you came
Alia : wouldn't miss it
Waiter : are you ready to order ?
Alia : sure , i'll have : mozzarella sticks, a burger and a soda
Waiter : and for you , he says pointing at Peter
Peter : i'll have : hot wings , fires , a burger and soda
Waiter : your food will be here in a few minutes

By the time they had finished eating the sun was starting to set . They had gotten to know each other better . Peter had told Alia about his uncle Ben and how he's living with his Aunt May . He told her how he got his powers and what it felt like . He told her about meeting Tony and all the things he's done for him but how he sees him as more of a mentor and a father figure , than the egotistical jerk his aunt saw him as . He talked about how May may be dating Happy . He opened up a lot , but never pressured her into doing the same .
She told him about her kidnapper although when mentioning him she never mentioned the harassment, assault or that he wasn't actually her father . She told him about how she had hacked SHIELD , the avengers database and even old stuff about Stark Industries . She told him about her lunch today but not about the park . She also told him about how she just assumes she was born with her powers , her time at the red room , she never showed weakness while talking about it all , maybe because she didn't remember any of it .

He asked if she wanted to go somewhere with him . Although he refused to answer any questions she agreed. He took her to the pier to get ice cream and then go for a walk on the beach . When the tide decided to make an appearance Peter took his chance to splash her with water . She fired back and he started chasing her . He caught her picking her up by the waste and bringing her in for a kiss , only to fall when the tide came back .
Peter : sorry about that
Alia : you don't always have to say sorry Pete
Peter : , without warning brings her in for another kiss , would you want to be my girlfriend
Alia : it would be a pleasure Pete , she says and kisses his cheek before attempting to get up only to be dragged down by the tide again . They finally got out of the water walking on the beach .
Alia : wanna build a sandcastle?
Peter : we don't have buckets we can do that next time
Alia : so there'll be a next time
Peter : there'll be a lot of next times
Without realizing it Alia let Peter walk her home . He didn't seemed bothered and wondered why she never let him before . She kissed his forehead and said goodnight before walking up the stairs and closing the door behind her . He just hadn't noticed were he was until the moon showed from behind the clouds .
He had been here before , during the custody battle May fought . He had stayed there while the court was checking if May was capable of taking care of him . Before he could think of anything else he had gotten to the apartment complex and being asked tons of questions about how the date had gone , he answered them all . May seemed to like seeing Peter happy and NOT obsessing over that Liz girl .

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