Staby Stab

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Tw : none

Exactly three days after the party and exactly two days before prom Peter started acting really weird. He was avoiding Alia like the plague . Neither Ned or Mj knew the reason behind his behavior but brought it to he was just stressed with being spider-man and stuff . It was around two a.m when Alia awoke to a message from non-other than Peter . She wasn't sure what to do it was either ignore him hence giving him a taste of his own medicine or figure out what he could probably want from her . She opened the message only to be stopped by an incoming call .

Pete<3 : Hey do you happen to know how to treat a stab wound?

Alia : you got stabbed ?

Pete<3 : n-no . I'm just curious

Alia : ...... stupid zipper ......

Pete<3 : what are you doing ?

Alia : i'll be right there , for now stop the bleeding

Pete<3 : Lia what do y- , he stops when you walk into the room

Peter : I never gave you my address

Alia : I figured out your identity before i met you and you're surprised that i know your address? Bold, she tease as she unpacks her backpack,revealing various medical supplies

Peter : woah , where'd you get all this ?

Alia : don't worry about it , she says as she presses the spider on his suit and peels it off his body. Abs . This boy has abs! She could feel herself blushing. She saw him turn a crimson red .
Alia: stop blushing, I'm literally tending to and stab wound . Bite this

Peter: why - oh shit that hurts , he tries to be quiet as she starts cleaning the wound and stitching it .

Alia : so who are you asking to the dance ?

Peter : not sure i might ask Liz

Alia : oh cool , not cool , definitely not cool .

Peter: where'd you learn to do that ?

Alia: I've had a lot of experience

Peter : why ?

Alia: you need to change your bandage twice a day , after showers okay , i cleaned it to the best of my ability, but there are still chances of it getting infected.

Peter: don't go yet

Alia: why not

Peter : I wanted to say thank you for helping me even after i've been a total douche to you .

Alia: okay you're welcome

Peter: but why'd you do it ?

Alia: got nothing better to do , god if only he knew ,

Peter : who are you Alia , he stands up walking towards her until she almost hits a wall , I know your name , your favorite stuff , your favorite subjects, your friends and your interests but that's pretty much it , i don't know about a lot of stuff and I've known you for months .

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