I'm In

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May had booked the entire weekend Peter but he still called Alia when he could . Now it was monday and she wasn't sure if she was nervous because her and Peter would have to talk or if it was because she had made up her mind about the avengers situation she had gotten herself into . She walked to her locker drowning out the noise that was in the halls . Her thoughts were broken when she felt herself being picked up by the waste , when she realized who it was she stopped herself from flipping the person onto their back . When she was put down she met his chocolate brown eyes . Her heart was fluttering as he kissed her forehead.
Alia : so how was the weekend
Peter : good , yours ?
Alia : good i got to train with the boy band
Peter : cool , did you have fun
Alia : yeah but uh they asked me to uh ... um join them ............ , she says trailing off at the end
Peter : oh . He hadn't officially joined the avengers although he was there for every meeting.
Alia : i'm sorry Pete
Peter: what ? Don't be this is an amazing opportunity and you should go for it ,
Alia : it is , she says with a small smile before the warning bell rung .
Peter: my girlfriend's going to be an avenger , he whisper yelled
Alia : your girlfriend?
Peter: yeah my - oh um
Alia: do you wanna go on a date with me?
Peter: what ?
Alia: what did I say?
Peter : do you wanna go on a date with me?
Alia : thought you'd never ask , she says with a smirk  before heading into her ckass leaving a very stunned Peter by the door .

Since it was monday Peter and Alia only had lunch together . Some of the students at Midtown had protested to get benches outside , so to solve the issue they moved all the tables outside and turned the cafeteria into a common room .


Peter and Ned had gotten their lunches and were now sitting with the girls . Mj was talking to Alia since her girlfriend was late and Peter was whispering about something to Ned when a scream caught their attention .
Betty : OMG . IT'S THE AVENGERS! , she screams and everyone goes to crowd the car , as Tony and Nat get out of the car and make a beeline towards the group .
Alia : shit , shit , shit
Mj : what's wrong ? , she asks concern all over her face as her friend avoids eye contact.
Tony dramatically takes off his glasses .
Tony : well if it isn't my two favorite interns !
Ned & Mj & Flash & Liz & all the secondary characters : what ?!
Alia : what the hell Stark ! Why are you here ? Nat ?
Nat : in my defense everyone's in the car waiting for your answer and Tony wouldn't listen to me when i said we should wait for your lessons to end
Tony : which they did , so we're here deal with it , he says putting a hand on your shoulder .
Flash : there is no way that Penis Parker actually know's Tony Stark , you're a fake
Alia : shut the fuck up Eugene
Flash : yes ma'am
Laughter breaks out among everyone , only to stop abruptly when Wanda , Sam and Rhodey land , surrounding the group .
Tony : now it's my turn , what they hell guys ? Fury made it clear that you were backup incase she refused, did you refuse kid ? , he says turning to you .
Alia : I thought you said everyone was waiting so it wouldn't be fair for me to tell you would it ??
Wanda : smartass , lets not keep Mr. Eyepatch waiting
Alia : yeah , i get that a lot , bye Pete , she plants a kiss on his cheek before leaving with the group.

All eyes turn to the group more specifically Peter who gets pummeled with questions; to which he replies to most with actual answers or 'it's classified' .
Alia on the other hand was having tons of fin on the drive , singing songs with everyone and asking them why they had to be so dramatic every time she met them . By the times they got to the tower most of the people who tagged along for nothing were fast asleep , while others felt like they could run around the world twelve times and still have energy . Alia was the second one . She could barely contain her excitement as she walked into the conference room , though that feeling quickly disappeared when she saw three guards in each corner of the room . She took her seat picking at her fingers until Fury walked in with Agent Ross .
Fury : good to see you came willingly
Alia : yeah , good for all your little goons too
Ross : you are under no way allowed to talk like that
Fury : calm down ,Ross , she could kill you and not care so try to not piss her off . Now , young lady you have caused quite the stir with my team and having you on the team could really help .
Alia : i'm in
Tony : well that was easy
Fury : Romanoff , take her to her living quarters
Nat : lets go kid , you follow her into a fairly large room , you'll be staying here when have missions, if you need anything there's JARVIS here to help you , and my room is the one down the hall .
Alia: thank you , I should probably get going
Nat : sure thing kid any time

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