First day of hell.

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Lisa's Pov

BEEP BEEP BEEP *turns off the alarm*

"Ughh, What the fuck.  Why does school have to start so early!"

*Knocks* Wake up you dumb shittt, Its first day of school!!! 

 "Fuck you Jisoo! go away!"

"HAHAH, we're leaving after an hour!" Jisoo said and left

I got up from bed and started to get ready for school.

----- After 1 hour, Lisa and Jisoo Left and have arrived Eastwood High-----

I parked my Lamborghini near the school gate and got off with Jisoo. I was about to walk in when a pair of arms was wrapped around my waist, hugging me behind.


"Hey, language Manoban!" 

"tf Jen, you scared me." 

"Sorry Lis, hahah" 

I turned to faced Jennie while she was still hugging me

"Lis, I've Missed you! its been so long"

hugs her back

" Yeah, Sorry I had to spend my summer in Thailand. You know, Dad's business." Sighs.

Jennie was pouting while looking into my eyes

"Forgiven!" Jennie happily said

I smiled then let go of her, we were both laughing while walking in to the school.

-----Inside the classroom----

Jennie's Pov

"Babe! Over here"

"Hi babe!" I shouted back while running to Kai

I didn't noticed that I left Lisa walking alone, and sat next to kai

"babe! where were you? you haven't returned my calls" Pout

"Sorry baby, had stuffs to do. Dad won't stop bugging me bout running his business"

I was kind of upset that kai hasn't been giving much attention to me ever since on our 2nd year. we've been dating for 3 years now going on 4. But he seems off lately, I don't know if his business has something to do with it. sighs


"Oh yah, Mhmm. Its fine babe." Fake Smile.

Lisa's Pov

wtf, Jennie literally left me and went to her stupid boyfriend. Kai doesn't deserve Jennie at all. last year, I saw kai in the club flirting with another girl. I don't think telling Jennie would make her change her mind. she's too blinded by his love. *Face palmed*

Went over to Jisoo and Rose

"Hi Monkeyyy"

"Hey Chipmunk" Smiled and hugged Rose

"How's Summer holiday?"

"Don't even ask" Jisoo said while laughing

"Spill!" Rose yelled 

everyone turned to looked at them and Jisoo and Lisa had to apologized for Rose's behavior.

"Peace, hahaha" Rose said while giving Jisoo and Lisa the peace sign

"I'll let you know later" Jisoo whispered to rose

Rose then just nod at what Jisoo said

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