I'll Fucking Kill You. (Slightly M)

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----At Eastwood High----

Jennie's Pov

Last night what happen between me and Lisa was something so unexpected. Who would have thought we would have sex after having a small misunderstanding. Well not technically sex but ughh. It felt so good, I wanted more. if Diana didn't show up things between me and Lisa would have heat up, I wonder how good Lisa taste like. I bet she's a bed breaker too. I was on my deep thoughts when

"Unnie!" Rose yelled

"Waeyo?!" I was shocked

"Why are you always on deep thoughts lately? Are you going through some medications?" Rose asked confused

"Yahh, I'm not!" I said annoyed and pout

Rose then laughed at my reactions

"Ouff, The Devils have arrived!" Rose said and I laughed

"Heyy" Seulgi said

"Annyeonggg" Rose said

I smiled and looked at Lisa

Lisa was staring back at me while she was smiling

after greeting we all went in 

Lisa is sitting next to me using her phone

I got so bored cause she wasn't giving me much attention I thought of something that would make her go crazy.

I then crossed my leg making my skirt lift up a bit, almost showing my bare legs to Lisa.

Lisa sat up straight and gripped on her phone tighter. I mentally laughed knowing Lisa got affected with my little teasing.

I started to slide my hands down to my thighs and caress my inner thighs slowly as possible

I could tell Lisa tensed up a bit so I looked at her innocently 

"You okay Lisa?" I asked looking clueless

"Mhmm" Lisa Groan

"Sorry what?" I smriked

"You're doing it on purpose." Lisa whispered making me smile

"Doing what on purpose?" I asked while I caress my legs even more

"That." She said and looked at my thighs

I bit my lips looking at her and releasing a soft moan while uncrossing my legs acting like nothing happened

Lisa sighs and looked away again

I pout when she ignored me again until I thought of another plan

"Seulgi can we switch for a min? I can't see the board properly" I asked Seulgi who is sitting in front of Lisa

"Sure" Seulgi said and we both switched

after I sat down. I tied my hair up sexily. I knew Lisa was watching cause she mentioned I look hot when my hair is tied up

I then slide my hands down my exposed neck to my shoulder massaging it. I gave my head a slow 360 turn while I closed my eyes. I was trying to look sexy as possible

then I heard Lisa

"Ill Just go to the bathroom" Lisa stood up and left

"Here Seulgi I'm Done, Thanks." I smiled and returned to my seat.

I was smiling knowing how much Lisa got affected, Its been 2 mins and she hasn't come back. Should I check up on her? I was about to get up when my phone vibrated

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