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5 years later

Lisa's Pov

"Get the last piece in the kitchen!" I yelled while rushing to fix the other stuffs in the backyard

"Honey, Will you relax for a bit" My mother said while she carries the pot filled with chickens

"Nuh ah, mom" I said continued doing my work

"Love, It'll be ok" My wife said coming towards me and giving me a sloppy peck on the lips


"Doing fine?" Jennie asked

"I'm doing great Mrs. Manoban" I said and smirked

We were about to share another passionate kiss when

*Ding Dong*

"That must be them!" I yelled and giving my wife the sign I need to go and open it

"Go my love" She said and gave me a quick peck

Once I opened the door, I was greeted by the most annoying creatures in the world

"YOOOOO LISA!" Jisoo yelled

"LISSSSS" Seulgi Yelled

"MONKEYYYYY" Rose yelled

"Hi Lisaaaa" Irene said

I rolled my eyes and gave them a tight hug

"Heyyyy welcomeee" I said and guided them to go inside 

"Hiiii uncle Lis" Ronnie said while he runs towards the backyard

"Hey.." I said not being able to give him a hug since he ran away

"Sorry bud, Ronnie's pretty naughty these days" Jisoo said

"It's alright" I said and laughed

Soon enough the backyard was filled with lots of guest, Friends and Family

"Okayyyy, It's time to blow the cake!" Jennie yelled

"Where is our birthday girl!" I yelled

"Comingggg!" Ella yelled

Ella turns 9 today. She's been doing great lately. There would be time she would disobey us but she always know when its her mistake. At least at this point, Jennie and I knew we took good care of her and guided her to be a better person. She isn't some spoiled brat. Actually she wants to work now but Jennie and I explained to her that she was still too young to work. What she needs is to focus on school. Which she gladly does.

"Where's the boys?" I asked as we moved towards the table where the cake was on

"Jacob!! Jasper!!" I yelled

still no sign of them

"Jacob, Jas-" Jennie yelled

"Mommmmy!!!" Jasper yelled running towards Jennie

"What's wrong baby?" She asked

"Jacob took my toy!" He complained

"I did not!!" Jacob said while I lifted him up on my arms

"Hey Hey, Boys. No fighting! It's your sister's birthday" I said

"Sorry daddy" Both of them said

Yeah that's right. Jennie gave birth 4 years ago and we had a twins. Jacob and Jasper.

Jasper's the youngest, making him Mommy's boy. always running to her mom whenever Jacob would pick a fight on him. while on the other hand Jacob's more like daddy's boy. he would run to me all the time when he faces some difficulties. 

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