Bathroom (M)

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---- Eastwood High----

Lisa's Pov

"Ughhhh Fuckkkkk Jen! you're so tightttt" 

I'm in the bathroom, fucking Jen right now. I made her skipped first class cause I couldn't take it anymore. Last night, she was so fucking hot I wanted to take her badly and have her as my dinner instead. I even insisted to come back after dropping Jisoo home but she refused to.  I was so frustrated I couldn't have her that night... And Today, When we met up other with the rest of our friends, She was wearing this thigh skirt with a very very short crop top, Almost looking like a bra for fuck sake! I argued about it with her but she was all feisty and mad too that I got turned on. So I drag her to the bathroom to finish off whatever she started last night.

"Ahhhh, Lisaaaa!!" Jennie Moaned messily

I'm fucking her against the wall. and I'm pretty sure if anyone walk pass by they could hear her.

I tried to shut her up by kissing her aggressively. I was sucking and licking her jaw down to her neck, leaving her beautiful hickeys. I want everyone to fucking know she belongs to me.

"Mhmmm Lisaaaa, Fas- Fasterrr babyyy" She squeal

"Ughhh" I grown as I thrust inside her tight pussy.

"You have been such a fucking naughty girl" I said as I thrust faster 

"Mhmm Lisssa" She gripped on my hair and shoulder tighter as I bang her against the wall

"You know naughty girls get punished right?" I said as I thrust harder

"Mhmm, yesss- Yess Daddy" She slightly yelled almost reaching for her climax cause I felt her clit clenched around my hard dick

"Fuck, I love it when you call me daddy." I said as I thrust deeper

"Ahhh Liss- Lisaaaa!" She squeal after one last thrust

She released all her cums, covering my hard cock inside her. She was so fucking warm around my dick I wanted to fuck her more but I had to control. Not to mention, we're at school.

"Ugh, Fuck." I groaned as I took my hard dick out from her tight pussy

"Fuck Lisa" Jennie slightly whispered, sounding like she lost all her energy

"You felt so fucking good inside me baby" Jennie said which made us laughed cutely

"We should go back to class" I said and kissed her forehead before fixing ourselves 

Jennie's Pov

Our class ended like 2 hours ago and now we're all having lunch. Im still kinda tired from the early fuck Lisa and I did in the bathroom. It was so risky anyone could have went in and catch us fucking. I just realized that after the hot session cause I was too occupied with how Lisa felt so good inside me. 

Good thing there is no more dirty things happening right now, I kinda wished Lisa would touch me under the table but thankful she didn't cause there is a lot of people here. But I couldn't help it, Just thinking of her is making me all wet. and I know how wet I am right now.

"Baby, You okay?" Lisa asked

"Mhmm, Yea" I said and bit my lips

"mhmm, Horny" Jisoo mumbled

"Huh?" Lisa asked

"Huh? nothing. I said Hurray! the food is here" she said as she points at Irene walking towards our table with food

"Hi guys" Irene said and sat next to Seulgi

"So how did the enrollment go?" Jisoo asked

"Babe, She wouldn't be here if she didn't get accepted" Rose said and rolled her eyes

"Uhuh.. Well its okay. I had to give some more files related to my old school. And I think I'm all set" Irene said and smiled

"Great!" Seulgi said

"Anyways, I'm taking Jennie out tonight" Lisa said

"You are?" I asked confused

"Yeah... You're my girlfriend. I want to take you out" Lisa said and smiled

I blushed and the fact I didn't hide it, was another next level

"Is someone getting Laid tonighttt?" Jisoo asked laughing

"babe!" Rose slightly yelled

"Ok ok, I'll shut up" Jisoo said and continued to eat her chicken

"Irene and I are going to watch a movie tonight" Seulgi said

"Can we join?" Jisoo asked

"What? It's a date Jisoo." Seulgi said 

"It's alright.. We can be behind you guys, Like we never existed" Jisoo said proudly

"What..? No. Take your girl out instead" Seulgi said

"Yeah, I would do that but I got no cash" Jisoo said and drank her juice

"Ughhh" Rose groaned

"Kidding ok?? Lets go netflix and chill? how bout that?" Jisoo asked

"ughhh, Fineeee" Rose said

"See, I'm good right" Jisoo whispered to Seulgi making Seulgi shake her head in disappointment

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