The Mastermind.

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Jennie's Pov

I was on my way back to the ceremony with Rose and Irene when suddenly a black van stopped in front of us and if I wasn't wrong, four of them came out with mask on. I couldn't tell the face. Two of them grabbed me and tried to drag me inside the van. Rose and Irene were being stopped by the other 2 man.

I was scared. Where were they taking us? even before I could react. They were fast enough to cover my mouth and my eyes.

"JENNIE!" I heard Irene and Rose yelled and the van of the door was shut

Were they only taking me?! Where?! and there, I panicked. I tried to yell but I couldn't

I was kicking one of the guy next to me but what scared me was when he pulled out a knife and placed it right next to my neck

"Shut the fuck off or I won't hesitate to use this on you" 

I was deadly scared my eyes were starting to be watery. I stayed silent cause I was afraid he might actually do it.

'Please someone find me' 

---Eastwood High---

Lisa's Pov

"WHAT?!" I shouted.

"What the fuck?" Seulgi and Jisoo yelled

People around starting to talk and panic

I looked around and saw Mr Kun talking with Jennie's Parents. Fears were visible in Mrs Kim's eyes. Mr Kim shouting full of anger. I wasn't just gonna stand and do nothing. Today was supposed to be special. Why does this have to happen. I was full of curiosity and anger. full of questions that needed to be answered. Why?

Seulgi's Pov

"What happened? How?" I asked

"It happened so fast, We were just walking back and then suddenly this black van stopped in front of us but they targeted Jennie only" Rose said

"We tried to stop them babe, but they were 4 of them" Irene said

"We panicked, We didn't know what to do" Rose said

"Okay, Relax guys" I said 

"Where's Lisa?" Jisoo asked looking around

Lisa's Pov

What the actual fuck. Who the fuck took her! I was so pissed I felt like I wasn't thinking properly anymore. All I wanted was to get Jennie back home. safe with me.

"Ugh where the fuck is she!" I cursed as I ran and look around the campus but no sign of Jennie anywhere.

"Lisa!" Seulgi appeared with the rest of the people

"Calm down Li-" Seulgi was cut off


"Bro chill, I'm just making sure you don't do anything stu-" Seulgi was cut off again

"SHUT THE FUCK OFF!" I yelled this time harder

"What the fuck bro!" Seulgi yelled back

"Okay okay enough guys" Jisoo stopped me and Seulgi from going any further

I was lost. I couldn't think properly anymore. All I had was worried and fear. what if something happens to her? I need to find her as soon as possible.

"I think I have a clue where she could be." Sehun said

All attention was on Sehun.

"Where?!" I yelled and walked closer to Sehun

"I overheard Kai last night on call with someone"

"Kai?!" I asked

"Yeah, I heard him saying something about making sure the plan goes well."

"Kai might have ordered some people to kidnap Jennie" Rose said

"Where?!" I asked

"I'm not 100% sure but Kai and our gang used to hang out at this old house of his. He probably took her there since no family members ever go there anymore or even lives there." Sehun said

"I asked WHERE!"  I don't need a whole story about the location. I needed to know where they are

"Its not far from here, I can show you the way" Sehun said

"Let's go!" I shouted and went over to my car followed up back Sehun, Seulgi and Jisoo

"Please bring back my daughter!" Mrs Kim yelled

Jennie's Pov

The van stopped. Where are we? my eyes are covered so I couldn't see anything. It sounded pretty quiet. I'm guessing were away from the city? could it be? I'm fucking scared to the fact I'm shaking. Oh god please someone find me. Lisa Please!

someone took off whatever was covering my mouth

"Let go of me you jerks!" I tried to yank my arms off but they were just too strong

"Shut the fuck off or else!"

"Please, Just bring me back. What do you want? Money? I can ask my dad for that, Just let me go please!" I was tearing up cause of fear. What will they do to me? why do they need me?

"We need nothing from you but someone does." A Man said

"Hey baby"

I was shock as I recognized that voice


"Nice job baby" Kai said


"Oh, Feisty. I love it!" Kai said as I felt his body got closer to mine

"Lisa's going to kill you when she finds out" I said full of anger

Kai chuckled. "Oh really?"

"That's if I stopped her from finding you."

I was confused by the second voice I heard. This time a girl.

"Who are you?!" I yelled with my eyes still covered

I heard heels. foot steps coming near me and as she got closer, she  uncovered my eyes.

"Oh, for fuck sake!" I said

"Hi bitch" Tzuyu said 

( I appreciate ya'll waiting for the chapters <33 I'll keep an update tomorrow. I've been busy with collage so I don't have all the time but I promise I'll try to make time. )

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