My Comfort Zone

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----Jennie and Rose's House----

Jennie's Pov

I just woke up, It's actually 10 am in the morning now. I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water when suddenly

"Unnie!" Rose shouted

I was shock which almost made me drop the glass

"Rose!" I yelled back

"sorry, Unnie..." Rose said and gave me a peace sign

'Why'd you left last night?" Rose asked

"I didn't feel good." I lied

"Oh, that sucks. You didn't get to see the ending" Rose said

"It's alright.. I kind of got bored of it anyways" I said and poured a glass of water

"Unnie, is something wrong with you and Lisa?"Rose asked

I frowned at her sudden question.. Rose and I had been very close ever since and I don't really keep anything from her. I was battling with my own thoughts of whether I should tell her about me and Lisa or not..

"Unnie?" Rose asked again

I sighs and decided to tell her

"Rose, Lisa and I.." I wasn't sure how to describe 'Us'

"Couples?" Rose said

"What? No.." I said sounding unsure cause maybe we are?

"Then?" Rose asked with one eyebrow lifted up

"Lisa and I had sex." I said and cover my face with my palms

"What?!" Rose yelled moving closer to me

"When? how? Unnie.. What?" Rose asked 

"I don't know.. It just happened.. After Kai broke up with me." I said and looked at the glass of water I was holding

"Since Kai broke up with you?! That's like what? decades agooo" Rose said

"What decades, Silly rose. It hasn't even been a month" I said

"Well yeah,facts. But still! Why didn't you say this to me???" Rose asked

"Because I wasn't sure either." I said

"About what?" Rose asked

"She never asked me to be her girlfriend after what happened to us. We acted casual like it was a normal thing between us after that." I said

"So... Friends with Benefits?" Rose asked

"Huh.? I don't know." I said and bit my lips

"Unnie, You guys didn't labelled whatever your relationship is. You both fuck around whenever you feel like it, I assume?" So it's friends with benefits." Rose said proudly

I sighs, maybe she's right.

"Maybe." I said

"Do you have feelings for her?" Rose asked which shocked the hell out of me

I mean.. I don't know? Do I? I asked myself

"Well- I mean.." 

"Unnie, You like Lisa." Rose said

"How do you know that?" I asked

"My question was a yes or no. Simple, If you don't like her that way you could have just said No.. But you took your time thinking." Rose said

I was speechless. What if Rose was actually right about this? Do I actually like her?

"Leave it, Lisa probably doesn't see me that way." I said and was about to leave

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