Double the Surprise ! (M)

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Lisa's Pov

Today is the day. Jennie's on her way back home. she'll arrive tonight. Ella and I have just enough time to prepare everything

*Ding Dong*

"I got it!" I said as I ran towards the door

"Delivery for Lalisa Manoban?"

"That's me" I said and signed the papers

"You can just drop it in here" I said


"Thanks!" I said and he left

"Daddy, What's that?" Ella said

"These are the balloons to set it up tonight at the backyard" I said

"Oh wow! I want balloons!" Ella said

"Sure baby, You'll have some later" I said carrying the box to the backyard while Ella follows me

"Daddy, Can I help grandma make the food?" She asked

"Sure baby" I said

I continued to decorate the backyard. I made it a lot more romantic. I didn't spend a lot on this all since I mostly did the work. the meals are being prepared by Mom and Ella. the decoration are done by me. therefore, I didn't have to hire any workers to do the work. I'm sure Jennie would have appreciated it a lot more

It's getting a little darker. I turned the little led lights on to finish it off

Once it's all done, I moved a little further and stared at my own masterpiece 

"Wow daddy!" Ella said

"Hey" I said and lifted her up

"You did a great job!" She said while she giggles

"You think so?" I asked

"Yes! Mommy will love it" She said

"Heyy" mom said as she enters with food on her hands

"Wow, That looks amazing" I said 

"I helped grandma baked that!" She said proudly

"Great job baby!" I said

Later on, I helped mom to get all the meals to the backyard where everything was completely set up

Tonight's going to be perfect.

Jennie texted me awhile ago and said she was on the way home, I had our driver picked her. I lied saying mom left early and I had no one to look after Ella. But actually it was all part of the surprise.

An hour later

*Ding Dong*

"Mommy's here!" Ella yelled 

"Go open the door for mommy" I said and went to my position. I made sure I at least got her some of her favorite flowers. I made sure to get her a necklace too. Looks pretty elegant, she'll kill me when she finds out the price.

Then I played our favorite playlist

I watched her as she got closer to the backyard. Then it hit all over again

When she was walking down the aisle. She was perfect and she'll always be. She has that beautiful smile on her face and everything was like during that wedding day. 

The only difference now is that

Instead of walking down the aisle slowly, She was being dragged by Ella

Instead of crying, She was smiling and laughing

Before she was just my bestfriend 

Now she's my wife and a mother to my our daughter, Ella.

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