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-----Jennie's House-----

Jennie's Pov

I'm sitting on our sofa waiting for Lisa right now, She said she's coming by to celebrate our official relationship. It feels great knowing we didn't have to hide anything from people. Rose, Seulgi and Jisoo knows about it the day Lisa confessed to me. Surprisingly, We just found out Rose and Jisoo were dating too. well, It kinda slipped out of Jisoo's mouth. that night i got home with Rose, I gave her a whole lecture about keeping secrets, She literally got mad ta me for keeping my secret about Lisa when technically she was too. But everything is solved now. This time we promised to tell everything. 


"Ill get it!" I yelled and ran to open the door

Right after I opened it i was greeted by the most handsome creature on earth

"Hey, beautiful" Lisa said and pecked my lips

"Hiii, I missed you" I pout and ran my heads up from her chest to her neck pulling her closer

"I missed you too baby"

I blushed when she calls me 'baby' I mean it isn't the first time, but now it feels a lot different. that her calling me by names actually means something now.

"Flowers for my beautiful lady." Lisa said and gave me this wonderful flowers she was hiding behind her

"omg! I love it!" I squeal

"I love you." Lisa said and looked straight at my eyes like I was the only person on earth

"I love you too baby" I said and kissed her passionately

Even before we could go any deeper, we were cut of by our most disturbing friend

"Ugh, Ugly creatures. Move out the way, I need to see my girl" Jisoo said and pushed us slightly away from the door making us laugh

"Unnie!" I slightly yelled closing the door and Lisa walking in

"You have no idea what I had to witness!" Jisoo complained to Rose

"Yahhhh!" Lisa slightly yelled

"What happened?" Rose asked confused

"Unnie was jealous, That's what happened" I said and showed Rose the flowers Lisa bought for me

"Oh- Babe, you're crazy" Rose said and began preparing the foods

"Their crazy." Jisoo protested

"Get used to it Jisoo" Lisa said and hugged me

"Where's Seulgi?" Rose asked

"We thought she'd be here by now?" Jisoo said


"Speaking of" Lisa said and broke the hug to open the door

"Finall-" Lisa was cut off 

"What's wrong baby?" I asked walking towards them

"Oh-" I said slightly confused

"Hey guys..." Seulgi said as she walks in with a girl I think I've seen somewhere

"Hi, I'm Irene." Said said as she ask for a handshake

"Hi" Me and Lisa greeted her and gave her a handshake

We were all walking to the kitchen when suddenly

"IRENE?!" Rose yelled shockingly

"Rose?!" Irene squeal and ran to hug her. seemed like they haven't met for years...

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