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A Month later ----

Jennie's Pov

It's been a month and we're officially graduating tomorrow. If you wanna ask? yes. I took the internship offer in New York. Lisa has been very supportive with this and she's not wrong, Maybe I do need this? I want to be able to pursue something I want and to gain something from it and maybe one day I can share this to my kids, Someday.


"Hi Rose"

"I can't believe we're graduating tomorrow!"

"To be honest, Same" I said and smiled

"How bout you and Lisa?" 

"What about us?" I asked confused

"You're going New York.."

"Lisa and I talked about it and she wants me to do this"

"Do you want to do this?"

"What do you mean Rose? This is like a dream since I came out from my own mother" We both laughed

"Unnie, Whatever you want. I support you"

"Thanks, I love you Rose!" I said and hugged her

Lisa's Pov

"Lisa, can you sit down for fuck sake!" Jisoo said

"Unnie, I can't.."

"What are you talking about?! You're driving me crazy.. seeing you walk back and front makes me puke"

"Sorry Unnie" I said and sat down next to her

"Lis, What's up?"Seulgi asked

"I'm nervous.." I said

"What the fuck Lisa, We're just graduating tomorrow. Don't worry, you didn't win any awards so you won't be on the stage for more than once" Jisoo said

I was totally on my own zone. that was how nervous I was feeling. I couldn't even hear a single word they were saying

"Lisa!" Seulgi yelled

"Ah yuh?!"

"What's wrong?" Seulgi asked

"This" I said and took out what's inside my jacket

"What The FUCK" Jisoo yelled with her eyes wild open

"Yes unnie.."

"You're not going to-" Seulgi was cut off

"You're Proposing to her?!!!!" Jisoo yelled and took the ring from my hand

"Be careful with that unnie!" I yelled

"I'm not gonna eat it if that's what you're thinking..." Jisoo said

"So you are?" Seulgi ask

"Yah.. I have been thinking about it. I want to spend the rest of my life with her"

"If that's what you want then we support you" Seulgi said and stood up to hug me


"So when?" Jisoo asked

"Tomorrow" I said and took the ring back

"Tomorrow is graduation day Lisa." Seulgi said

"I know."

"Whatever you're planning, I hope it works" Jisoo said

"Yeah about that, I need you're help" 

---- XXXX Resto ----

Lisa's Pov

I'm waiting for Jennie right now. I'm actually nervous. I'm not proposing tonight tho I just feel nervous thinking about it

"Hi baby" Jennie said and kissed my cheek

"Hey baby" I kissed her back and helped her sit down

"Did I make you wait too long?" 

"You're worth waiting for" I said and kissed her lips

We kissed for a good second 

"You're so cheesy" Jennie said

"I love you too" I said 

"So, tomorrow"

"Tomorrow, we're officially graduating" I said

"I can't wait" Jennie said

"Me too"

I can't wait to ask you to be my wife. Will you say yes to me? I thought.

"Should we have dinner with the rest tomorrow after graduation?" Jennie asked

"Sounds great" I said 

we took our time eating and talking about the life after graduation. Her internship and my business coming up soon. We promised we'll work it out, that we'll always find time for each other. I love Jennie so much I'm ready to take it to the next level. This all may sound so fast but it can't wait any longer. 

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