Camping Day

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---- At Eastwood High----

Lisa's Pov

Seulgi, Jennie and Rose went home this morning to prepare for the camping and we all met up at school.

We're all here outside the school waiting to get in the bus

"Give me your bag" I said taking Jennie's bag

"Its fine, Yours seem heavy already" Jennie said pointing at my bag

I ignored what she said and took her grab

"Yahh! Lis I can do it" Jennie yelled

"Shushhh" I said and laughed while Jennie rolled her eyes on me

"Morning Jen." Kai appeared holding his bag

Jennie was about to look at Kai when I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me

Jennie was now hugging me with her both hands rested on my chest and our face just an inch away

"Yahhh" Jennie almost yelled

I smirked knowing Kai was watching us

I went even closer and was about to kiss Jennie when I saw Kai left

I was staring at Jennie while her eyes were closed, I think waiting for me to kiss her?

"He left." I said and smiled

Jennie opened her eyes and looked around not seeing Kai anymore

"You're cute when you wait for me to kiss you" I smirked and laughed

"Shut up Manoban." She rolled her eyes and moved away

We both ended up laughing

"Okay, everyone get in! sit with your partners!" Ms. Mel yelled and everyone started to go in the bus

Jisoo's Pov

Me, Seulgi and Rose were together waiting when we witnessed what just happened between Jennie and Lisa

"Are they dating?' Seulgi asked

"Omg Unnie, are they??!" Rose asked excitedly 

"They almost kissed." I said with my eyes widen

"Could be for the show?" Seulgi said

"Yeah... Kai?" Jisoo said

Rose and Seulgi then nod their heads

Ms. Mel told everyone to go in the bus and so everyone did


Lisa's Pov

I'm here sitting next to Jennie. Seulgi is with Kai in front of us while Jisoo and Rose was behind us

I was about to take a nap when my phone vibrated

*Text from Seulgi* I frown and opened it

"I saw what you almost did to Jennie earlier, What's up? You both dating now?" She asked 

"I did that to get rid of Kai. Stop thinking too much." I sent with a rolling eye emoji

"You both look cute and happy together, Why not make it real?" She asked

"Bye Seulgi, I'm going to take a nap" I sent and about to close it when Seulgi messaged again

"You like her. I know." She said and looked behind me smirking

"No. now, Bye." I sent and turned my phone off

Its been almost an hour, Jennie's head is on my shoulder while she sleep. I brought my arms around her shoulder and hugged her making her feel more comfortable and warm

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