You're My Problem.

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Lisa's Pov

Its Late right now and I'm on my way to meet my bestfriend Seulgi in the bar after dropping Jennie home

------Arrived the Bar-----

"Seulgi!" I yelled when I saw her sitting in between the 2 hot girls

"Yow Lisa!" She offered me the drink as I got closer and sat on the opposite side of her

"Wtf yow- are these your new girls again?" I said while I drank and pointed at the 2 girls beside her

"Yeah, There fucking hot yeah?" 

I sighed as I saw Seulgi being all flirty and touchy with her girls

"What's up bitches!" Jisoo Yelled as she goes near to us

"Hey Chicken" Seulgi said

"Wow, New girls Seulgi? hahah" Jisoo asked

"Why is everyone talking about me? Lets talk about you lis" Seulgi said while she drinks her beer

"Not a chance bro, There's nothing to talk about"

"Come on lis, You haven't had sex after your last break up with that girl. What's her name again?" Seulgi asked

"Diana." Jisoo said

"Rightttt!" Seulgi said while laughing

"How long has it been?" Jisoo asked

"I don't really want to talk about it" I said not interested with the topic

"Dude, What we're trying to let you know is, try to get laid. Its been a while bro." Seulgi said while Jisoo nods and agrees.

"I'll think about it." I said.

We were enjoying our time when suddenly I saw Kai went in with a girl. 

"This asshole." I said almost a whisper

"What?"Jisoo asked confused and tried to look where I was looking at

"Isn't that Jennie's Boyfriend?" Jisoo asked

"Bro, Kai's still cheating on Jennie after what we did to him last year?" Seulgi asked

"Clearly he hasn't learned his lesson" I said as I got up from my sit walking to Kai

-----Kai's Area-----

"Hey Bitch!" I Yelled

"Lisa?" Kai said shockingly

when I got closer, I threw him a very hard punch in the face

"What The Fuck Lisa!" he said as he wipes the blood in the corner of his lips. "What the fuck is your problem?!" he yelled at me

"You're My Problem! Didn't I tell you to fix yourself, You're fucking dating Jennie!" I yelled back

"Stay out of it, its non of your business Lisa." he said as he grabs the girl by her waist and pulled her closer to him

I got so pissed and was about to throw another punch when Seulgi and Jisoo held me and stopped me.

"Wtf?!" I yelled at Seulgi and Jisoo

"Bro Leave it." Jisoo said concerned

"We're not fucking done Kai." I was about to walk away when Kai said something that made me stop

"What's your deal anyways? Why do you care so much? He asked

I turned and faced him again "Jennie's my fucking bestfriend. And if I have to tell her, I would love to!" 

"Clearly that isn't just the reason." he smirk

I looked at him silently

"You like her right? I know that Lisa, You can say whatever you want, but your actions shows different."

I was taken aback. I couldn't answer as I turn back and walk away with Seulgi and Jisoo

Seulgi Pov

"Seulgiiiii, babyyy" the girls yelled at me

"Sorry girls, Major problem. Our monkey needs her bananas" I said while trying to catch up with Lisa and Jisoo "Maybe next time!"

"Really? banana?" Jisoo said

"What? I got nothing better to say. Aish Lets just go to Lisa"

"Whatever." Jisoo said

"I'm Leaving, Don't follow up." Lisa said while she got in to her car and drove off leaving me and Jisoo Behind

"Nice-" Jisoo said

"What's her problem?" I asked

"could it be true tho?" Jisoo asked confused

"What? that she really does need the bananas?" I said looking clueless

"Yahhh!" I yelled as Jisoo smacked my head "Wtf bro"

"I'm talking about what Kai said earlier, Could it be?"

"Mhm, No idea?"

We both decided to go home since it was late

"Bye Jisoo!"

"Bye seulgi."

----At Lisa's apartment----

Lisa's Pov

I was lying down on my bed looking up at the ceiling and thinking about what Kai said. Could it actually be? Do I really see Jennie that way or do I just really care about her? I was in my deep thoughts when someone Knocked on my door

"Yeah?" I yelled

"Its Jisoo, I just got back. Ill head to room! goodnight"

"Alright." sighs

I was off to bed when suddenly someone messaged me

*Message from Jen* I opened it 

"Lis, I can't sleep ;( "

"What if I was already asleep Jen?" I smiled as I sent the text

"Well you're not." I smiled at her text

"Zzzzz" I said

"Lisa!" I laughed because I knew Jennie was getting annoyed

"hahah Sorry, Go to bed Mandu ;) "

"sighs- Alright, See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, Ill see you. Goodnight"

"Goodnight Lis, Love yah!" I once again Smiled at her text

"Uhuh, Love yah too. Bye!"

Then after the text, I placed my phone in my side table and head to bed.

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