Pleasure (M)

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---- At Eastwood High----

Jennie's Pov

Lisa dragged me all the way to the locker room

"Lis, What happened?" I asked

"Don't even ask." Lisa said annoyed while taking her clothes out from the locker

"I can go talk to Ka-" I was cut off 

"From now on, I don't want you near him." She said with anger

I was taken agape, Lisa wasn't just pissed. She was really angry. What did Kai said that made her react this way, I wondered

"Look, I'm Sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you" Lisa said while she took her shirt facing me. Does she not know its not helping at all? her fucking abs was so hard, She's sweating a bit which makes her extra hotter.

"Jen?" Lisa said

"Mhmm" I said and looked at her while I bit my lips to avoid moaning

I saw Lisa Smirked which made me rolled my eyes

"Ill wait you outsi-" I was cut off

Lisa grabbed me by my waist even before I could leave. She then pulled me to her. There was no gap between us and I could feel her body against mine. how I wish I was naked right now.

I bit my lips again feeling turned on with just Lisa being this close to me

"Feel me." Lisa command

And I being Me, I didn't hesitate and touched her chest down to her hard abs. I bit my lips again just feeling her.

"Do you like what your touching?" Lisa asked and pulled me even closer, I could feel Lisa's dick getting hard making me release a soft moan

I didn't answer. I snaked my hands up to her neck and pulled her face closer to mine

"You drive me crazy Lisa." I whispered to her ears

She began to suck my neck up to my earlobe. She was giving me wet kisses down my shoulders

"Mhmmm" I moaned with my eyes closed feeling her.

Her hands snaked down from my waist to my ass. Lisa the groped my ass which made squeal from her sudden actions

"Lisa!" I squeal and we both laughed

"Come to my apartment tonight?" Lisa asked

I smiled at her being so cute. 

"What happened to the fierce slash handsome Manoban? I asked smiling

"Oh you'll see that tonight" She said and kissed my neck, I blushed

But we were cut off when Kai came, We were caught red handed!

I immediately pushed Lisa away

I was worried and scared but Lisa acted normal like nothing happened

"Let's go baby." Lisa closed her locker, worn her shirt and drag me out 

"GUYS!" Rose shouted

"Where the fuck did you guys go?" Seulgi asked

"I had to change." Lisa said and we all started to walk

"What did Kai said earlier?" Jisoo asked

"Don't even as-" I was cut off

"That if he wins, he would fuck Jennie real good." Lisa said with fierce

"WHAT?!" I asked shocked

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