Lisa Manoban's Effects (M)

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---- At Eastwood High----

Jennie's Pov

I arrived Eastwood High with Rose, we're currently outside waiting for Lisa, Jisoo and Seulgi

"Unnie, I love your outfit today" Rose said looking at me and pointing at my outfit

Today, I don't Know why but I've decided to wear a very sexy outfit. Something's up with me and I don't Know why. I'm wearing this short skirt I bought last summer but never got to wear em and this crop tank top almost revealing my cleavage. I kind of felt uncomfortable since I don't wear clothes like this. usually its Jeans and T-shirt. But today felt different.

"Thanks Rose" I said and smiled

"What's with the sudden change?" Rose asked

"Mmmm.." I hummed

"Lisa?" Rose said

"What?! No, huh?!" I was shock "Its not because of her!" I Panicked

"Relax Unnie, I meant Lisa, Their here. Look" She said and point at the direction where Lisa, Jisoo and Seulgi arrived

"Oh. Yah.." I said embarrassed as I blushed and looked away

Lisa, Seulgi and Jisoo reached us

"Wow, Jennie! you got me all speechless." Jisoo said with her eyes widen.

"Shut up!" I said and rolled my eyes

"I woke up this morning I saw her wearing that" Rose said to Jisoo and Seulgi

"I should live with you instead" Seulgi told Jennie

Tsk- *Rolled my eyes*

It was weird, but only Lisa seem off, she didn't even compliment me with my new style. Could it be because she doesn't like it? Pout.

We went in and went to our lockers. I was about to open my locker when

"Jennie." Teahyung said as he went closer to me

"Tae?" I stepped back because of Tae's sudden action

"You look great today." He said and smirked staring at my body

"Thanks." I said as I try to move away

"Wait.." He said and pulled me closer to him 

"Tae, Let go.." I said felt uneasy

"Wanna go to my pla-" Tae was cut off when he was pushed and I was pulled closer to her.

"Lis?" I said as I looked up to her confused

"Stay away from My Girlfriend." Lisa told Tae

"Jeez, Bro. alright" Tae said with his hand's up and left

"You alright?" Lisa asked

"Why are you always here to save my ass." I said and rolled my eyes

"If you worn a little..." She looked at me and stared at my body "Little less" then she stared at my lips "sexy" as I stared back at her. "You wouldn't be having problems." Then she stepped back allowing to me to breath properly.

"Hey, I Just want to try something new." I said and smiled finally she noticed

Lisa rolled her eyes and smiled

"Don't you like it?" I asked all being curious 

"Its Ok." She said and started to walk away

"Yahh!, Lisaaa!" I yelled and closed my locker to catch her

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