The Truth

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----Eastwood High----

Jennie's pov

Its been a week since that night Lisa took me to her comfort zone and her sleeping over. It feels great that Lisa doesn't ignore me anymore although I never actually knew the reason why would she act so weird out of the blue.

I was on my way to the cafeteria to meet my friends when I was stopped by no other than

"Kai!" I almost yelled

"Sorry Jen, Can we talk?" Kai asked


"About us" 

"There's no US Kai... Have you forgotten? I ended everything" I said about to walk away

"It was a mistake alright.. Jen Listen" Kai plead 

"Bullshit Kai!" I yelled almost getting the attention of the students walking by

"Look I'm sor-"

"Kai, To be honest? Thank you. Thanks for doing that. Because if it wasn't because of you I wouldn't be who I am now. I wouldn't know what I actually want or who I love." 

"Is it Lisa?" Kai asked

"That's none of your busine-"

"IS IT LISA?!" Kai yelled which shook the hell out of me

"YES!" I yelled back

"When you left me. Lisa was there.... Actually she never left me, she was there since day one. Lisa made me realized how dumb I was to fall for you, She made me felt what love is Kai. And I felt sorry for myself that I didn't see that before. So yes. I Love Lisa." I said tearing up

"Jenni-" Kai was cut off

"Leave her alone." Lisa popped out of nowhere and held me by my waist.

"Lisa?" I said shocked

"Lets go Jen." Lisa dragged me out from the school

Lisa's Pov

Earlier I was with my friends. We were enjoying our meal when suddenly we heard someone yelling outside, Almost sounding like Kai and Jennie. I needed to see how she was. 

I heard everything Jen told Kai. She loves me? Like how I Love her too. I mentally smiled.

"Jen?" I faced her

"Mhm?" Jen hummed

"So... What was that?"


"I heard it Jen, Please be honest with me" 

"Would it make any different?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"You obviously see me as your fuck buddy." Jenni said and looked away

"What...? Jen. Never in a million years that I'd think of you like that." I said

"Look. I think I wasn't completely honest with you too.." I looked down

"I liked you since that day I laid my eyes on you Jen. I wanted you but you wanted me as your bestfriend.... Then as we grew older I thought I should finally confess to you but Kai popped out of nowhere like he was someone so fucking special to you. As if I never existed. It was always him you see. And I was your second person to run to when he hurts you." 

"Lis-" I cut her off

"It hurts me like hell not until Diana came into my life. She was real and pure. I loved her as much as I Loved you.. I thought I'd be the happiest person on earth after I met Diana. I was even so sure I'd marry her. But then I saw her on bed, with my brother." I said almost tearing up

"Wait, is that why you and Bam has some problems going on?" Jen asked confused

"Yes... I felt like dying Jen. I lost you and I lost her too. Then I knew I was the kind of person who doesn't deserve love at all. So that's when I went to Thailand to fix myself up... I thought I was all good  but school year come around and you entered my life like you never left. and trust me Jen, My feelings for you only grew bigger...

"Why didn't you ever tell me this?" Jennie asked

"Well, When I found out about you and Kai breaking up, I wanted to tell you everything but I was afraid.."

"Afraid of what?" Jennie asked

"Afraid that I'd lose you for the second time."


"The first time we kissed. I never regretted any of it, To me? It was the best thing that ever happened to me. I thought you didn't want the relationship with me so I thought it was best if we continue with our lives like what we always do. But then it happened again and again and again."

"Jen, My feelings only grew bigger and I didn't want to wait for the day I'd get hurt by someone I Love the most. So I had to distance myself to you.."

"With Tzuyu...?" Jen asked


"Oh for fuck sak-" I cut her off

"Then Bam came again. It only made me think that he'd take away something from me again. Like with Diana. He was taking care of you when it should be me Jen."

"And believe me Jen, I wanted to fight for you. I wanted you in my arms. I wanted to take you home every night, take you out on a date, Take care of you. I wanted to be able to call you mine Jen." I said tearing up

"But I was so scared you don't see me that wa-" I was cut of when Jennie kissed me

It was a very passionate kiss. Just like at the river sight that night.

Then we broke the kiss and our forehead stick together.

"I Love you Lisa." Jennie said and peck my lips again

"I love you so much Jen, you have no idea," I said and smiled at her wiping her tears with my thumb 

"Be my girlfriend?" I asked

"I thought you'd never ask" Jen said and we both laugh

"Yes, Lisa. I'll be your girlfriend." Jennie said and we both kissed again. 

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