The Love Of My Life (M)

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Jennie's Pov

Lisa's hand was intertwined with mine. We walk down this beautiful beach. The sea was so clear you could see almost everything beneath it. The cold windy blowing our hair makes it a lot more perfect. But what made it so much more perfect? Lisa's here, with me. 

We stopped by near this beautiful rocks in the corner. She held me around my waist and pulled me closer to her leaving no gap. Every part of my body was burning and waking up just by having her this close to me. 

The feeling of her soft touches, when she kisses my neck up to my jaw. She always know where my sensitive parts are. She knew how to make me crazy. She knew how to make me crave for her. Everything about her was addicting, I couldn't get enough of her. 

I wanted more of her.

"Lisa" I moaned while she sucks my neck, Leaving me all her love bites. Marking what's her. I wouldn't mind either. I want everyone to know I belong to someone else, to Lisa.

"Babyy" I slightly whispered to her ears while she gives me small kisses

She was leaving me breathlessly. 

I played with her hair while her hands explores my body. Gripping and caressing my body. Enough to make me go crazy

"Mhmm" I moaned again. And again. None stop.

"Baby" She whispers

"Lisa" I whispered

"Baby" She said and I clenched my eyes tight while feeling her touches

"Baby" She said again

It sounded so beautiful. It felt beautiful. I fell in love with her all over again like it was our first time with everything.

Everything was so perfect. Not until.....


Yelling and jumping was all I hear and feel.

'Mommy, Mommy!" 

Again and again. Over and over. None stop. What is happening??

"Mommmmy! Wake upp! Daddy made breakfast"

Then I felt the most sweetest softest kiss on my cheek. The smell of strawberry. 'Mhmmm'

Then I opened my eyes

"Hi Mommy, Good morning!" Ella said

"Hi princess" I said and gave her the biggest hug and kissed her all over her face

"Mommy!" She squealed as I tickled her

"What's keeping my princess and queen so long?"

I smiled as I heard the voice of this person and there is only one person who makes me the happiest. 

The love of my life, Lisa.

"Daddyyyy! " Ella yelled and ran towards Lisa 

I watch Ella ran towards Lisa. While Lisa catches her in her arm and lift her up. throwing her up and catching her back. Ella yelling and giggling. Just watching how my babies interact makes me feel the luckiest.

Yes. Lisa and I got married 3 years ago. It was the most memorable days of my life. I finally am Mrs. Manoban. Ella was 'the gift' to us. When we had our honeymoon after the wedding. God gave Ella to us. And it was the most beautiful thing, ever.

"Mommy let's go" Ella said

I stood up from our bed and went towards my loves standing on the doorway

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