It's Perfect

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----River's sight----

Jennie's Pov

"Really Baby, This is your type of date?" I asked while walking hand to hand with Lisa

"I like keeping things simple but memorable baby." Lisa said

"Indeed" I said and slightly chuckled 

We sat by the rocks near the river. This is like our usual spot whenever we come here. Lisa said she'll take me on a date. Honestly, I love our simple dates, our little getaway from chaos. You know, Just me and her, alone together and enjoying the moments.

"Don't you like it?" Lisa asked while she prepare the snacks we brought

"No, I love it. It's perfect" I said and pulled her for a passionate kiss

"I love you Lisa Manoban" 

"I love you more Jennie Kim"

We spent a couple of hours by the river sight. We talked and talked like we never ran out of stories to say. We kissed like it would be our last day on earth. We took the time to enjoy and watch the sunset goes down. 

"We should probably head back home" Lisa said

"Yeah... Rose's probably at home" I said

"I doubt" Lisa said and chuckled


"Jisoo texted and said Rose's staying at our apartment tonight"

"Sounds like someone is getting laid tonight" I said and laughed

"How bout we get laid tonight too" Lisa said and pulled me closer

"How bout we pack all these stuffs so you can bring me home?" I said and gave her a teasing kiss

"Mhmm, You're mean" Lisa said and stood up while I laugh at her cute reactions

----Jennie's house----

"Thanks for the ride baby" I said and pulled Lisa for a kiss

Lisa slightly hummed and bit her lips as I break the kiss

"Still up for another ride?" Lisa said which confused me

"It's late baby, Where you planning to bring me again?" I asked

"Mhmm, I don't know?" Lisa said as she pulled me closer leaving no gab

"Lis-" I lost words when I felt Lisa's hard dick against me

"Maybe bedroom?" Lisa whispered to my ears as I close my eyes and bit my lips to prevent from moaning

"What about it?" I asked

"You can ride me" Lisa said and slightly bit my earlobe 

My eyes widen when I realized what she wanted

"Lisa!" I squealed

We both ended up laughing and giving each other passionate kisses

"Do you want to stay for tonight?" I asked

"Wish I could, But I can't" Lisa said which made me pout

"Why not?" I asked

"I'm meeting dad tomorrow morning near my apartment"


"Business related"

"So you're really taking that position, aren't you?"

"Well, Its not so bad. We're graduating in one month. Dad really wants me to do this"

"How about your dream of becoming a photographer?"

"I'll work on that when I can, How about you?"

'What about me?"

"Fashion right?"

"Yeah.. I applied for this fashion company last week and their willing to give me an internship"

That's great baby!" Lisa said and hugged me


"What's the matter? You don't sound happy about this?"

"Baby... The internship is in New York" I said sadly


"And?? Babe, This is New York" 

"I know what is New York babe" 

"We just got in a relationship and there's no way I'm-" I was cut off

"There's no way you're turning down an offer babe. Take it" 

"but ba-"

"No buts. We still got time. I want you to go and pursue your dream baby" Lisa said

"I don't think I can handle not being around you"

"The internship won't take long anyways, I can always visit you when I can. Have you forgotten? My family owns a private jet. I can even visit you when I get horny" Lisa said and we both laughed

"The main point here is, I want you to go babe. This opportunity doesn't come everyday, Take it"

And there, we kissed once again.

Honestly, I felt like the most luckiest girl on earth. I thought Lisa would lose it once I tell her about this. I mean our whole friendship just literally leveled up and I was really looking forward to what else is there for us. But this fashion has always been my dream ever since I young. And i'm glad Lisa understood

"I love you so much"

"I love you even more Jen"

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