Graduation Day

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---Eastwood High---

Lisa's Pov

Today is the day I ask Jennie to marry me. I can't wait but this shit scares the fuck out of me what if she says no? What's going to happen to us? Will it ruin our relationship? Our friendship? Should I back out or continue?

"You're not thinkin of backing out aren't you?" Seulgi asked

"I don't know, I've never felt this nervous before. What if she says no?"

"You never know until you ask.." Jisoo said

"Sometimes Jisoo thinks right." Seulgi said and shrug it off

"What chu mean sometimes?!!"

"Guys, I'm nervous"

"Breath bro" Seulgi said

"I'm scared what if she says no?"

"Then wait for er to ask you instead" Jisoo said

"Jesus." Seulgi said and face palmed 

"Lisa Manoban, Kang Seulgi, Kim Jisoo!" You're up" Mr Kun yelled

"How the fuck does he remember each and everyone's full name" Jisoo said confused

"brain bro, brain." Seulgi said and we ran to the stage

At this point, we're on the stage. in front of many people. thinking about proposing to Jennie in front of them all creeps me out. I'm going to be embarrassed if she says no. What if she says no? 

"Lisa, Chill." Seulgi whispered

"I can't." 

"You got this bro" Jisoo said

I hummed and was totally zoning out cause of nervousness. 

"Let's welcome our valedictorian, Jennie Kim to deliver her speech." Principal Marc said

"Jennie Kim?" Principal Marc said

"Where's your girlfriend bro?" Seulgi asked as we all started looking around

"Wasn't she with Rose and irene?" I asked

"Where's Jennie?" Mr Kun asked

"We don't know sir" Random students saying

"LISA!!!!" Rose yelled from far away running towards us with Irene

As Rose and Irene got closer to us, we were shocked by how scared and messy they look. graduation gown all messed up as well as their

"Babe what the fuck happened to you?" Jisoo asked

'Lis-" Rose was panting really bad like she ran so fast to win a race


"WHAT?!" I shouted.

(Stay tune, I'll be uploading the next chapter today too <33 )

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