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Jennie's Pov

I woke up to this bright light coming out from the window. It's already morning and i'm still here hand cuffed to a stupid bed. Where are they? Lisa where are you. I've never been this scared my whole life. 

I was trying to pull the hand cuff even if I knew it was completely stupid.

"You're too weak to break those" Kai said as he entered with a tray filled with food

"What do you want from me" I asked

"I'm looking at what I want right now." He said as he stares at my body like he was going to eat me up

"Kai, Please just let me go" 

"Sorry no can do.." Kai said and placed the tray on the bed

"Is Tzuyu making you do this all?" I asked

"No.. Actually all she wanted was you out from her sight so she can have Lisa all to herself" Kai said and took the apple on the tray

"And you agreed to it?!" 

"I mean why not? If I get the opportunity to fuck you.. then I say, why not?" Kai said slightly laughing

I was glaring at him while he walked to the cameras that has been set up on each corners which I didn't even know since I fell asleep.

"What are you doing?" I asked a little scared

"Setting up the camera for our little hot section" Kai said and walking back to me

I was caught up when he started to unbutton my shirt

"kai please stop" I said shutting my eyes tight

I felt Kai's finger traced my neck down to my slightly exposed chest and all I felt was disgust. Was I going to get rapped, Oh gad please no.

Then I felt something cold dripping down my chest. I tried to move away but this hand cuff isn't helping

He gets closer and closer "Kai, please don-" and there, he licks off the smell of a strawberry sauce from my chest up to my neck. I was disgusted. I didn't like him touching me at all

My eyes shut so tight I couldn't believe this was happening. I was moving my neck away but Kai's grip around my neck tighten making me stay in one place.

"Stop please" I slightly whispered crying

He stood up and used his thumb to wipe off his lips

"You taste so fucking good." Kai said as she smirked at me

all I did was cry and couldn't accept the fact I was being touched by him. Is this going any further? Lisa please save me

Kai walked over to one of the camera where it was giving a perfect view of what he did

"What are you doing" I asked

He walked towards me and faced the camera on me. Anger and fear was visible in my eyes

"Preparing a little gift for my friend, Lisa." He said and left.

and then I cried and cried begging to be found

Lisa's Pov

I'm at home with my friends. Rose and Irene fell asleep. Jisoo and Seulgi went out to grab something to bite. I couldn't sleep the whole night. Not when my girl isn't back home safe with me. 

"Hey Lisa" Irene said as she walked out from the bedroom

"Hi" I said not looking

"Where's Seulgi?" 

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