New Comers

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----At Eastwood High----

Jennie's Pov

We're here at the Cafeteria. Lisa is sitting in front of me right now since she got here late and all seats were taken.

We were having a normal conversation, Laughing and gossiping around not until i caught Lisa staring at me. I looked at her and smiled while she do the same. she leaned forward to the table still staring at me and started to eat her fries.

Then I've thought of a crazy thing to do again. I smirked knowing Lisa would get affected by this again.

'Rose, Do you have a lollipop?" I asked

"Uhm, Here Unnie." Rose gave me the lollipop

I leaned back on my chair and looked at Lisa who was still looking at me. I sexily opened the lollipop and sucked it seductively. I stared at Lisa while teasing her. I was sucking at lollipop like how I sucked her dick last night. Lisa then leaned back which made me slightly laugh knowing by her actions, she's definitely hard as fuck.

I then looked at the rest ignoring Lisa. I secretly took my other heels off and began to lift my feet up and touch her shoes up to her legs to her inner thighs. I bit my lips feeling how fucking hard she was.

Lisa cleared her throat and sat up straight. I looked at her and smiled innocently. I then placed my feet down and worn my heels back. I smiled successfully.

"Guys I'll go ahead" I said and stood up

"Unnie, where are you going?" Rose asked

"Well, Ms. Yori wanted me to teach the Cheering members, She said the group really needs an experienced cheering captain." I said 

"Wahh, Cheering Captain. Nice Jen!" Jisoo said

"Thanks Unnie" I said and smiled

"Maybe we can watch later?' Seulgi asked

"can we?" Lisa asked and I Looked at her

"Alright, But don't interrupt!" I said

"Ay ay ay Captain!" Seulgi and Jisoo said which made us laugh

----- Basketball court-----

Lisa's pov

"Unnie!" Rose shouted

"Rose!" Jennie yelled back and stopped from teaching the members

I continue to walk where they were when I started to hear the girls squealed my name out

"Lissssaaa" Girl 1

"Omggg Lisa is hereeee!" Girl 2

"Fuck, Lisa is so hot!" Girl 3

"Lisaaaa come here!" Girl 2

"Damn, Lis. Girls are still crazy for you." Seulgi said 

"Mhmm.." I hummed not caring and went straight to Jennie

"Hey Jen" I said

"Hi Lis" Jennie said and smiled

"These girls are crazy for you" Jennie said secretly pointed at the girls behind her who was smiling looking at me

I went closer and whispered to her ears

"Aren't you?" I said and moved away a little

"huh? What do y-" She was shocked when she realized what I meant

"Yahh! I'm not!" Jennie protested and I just nod at her

"anyways, I have to continues teaching them. You guys can sit over there" Jennie said

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