Can't Resist (Slightly M)

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----- At Eastwood high-----

Jennie's Pov

As usual I'm outside with Rose Waiting for the 3 dorks. I don't know how its going to be like between me and Lisa after what happened last night at her apartment. I had a feeling it was going to be awkward between me and her. but I couldn't lie that the fact I enjoyed what she did to me. She fucked me real good and I wanted more.  I was on my deep thoughts when suddenly

"Hi guys!" Rose said

I then looked and saw the 3 dorks coming to us. I avoided eye contact with Lisa as I knew it'll be weird when she suddenly placed her arms over my shoulder. 

"Morning." she looked at me and smirked

"Morning lis" I said and looked away

We started to go in, Jisoo, Seulgi and Rose walked first making me and Lisa behind them. I was walking peacefully when Lisa suddenly grab my waist and pulled me closer to her. I was even more shocked when she started to caress my side waist while we were walking behind the rest.

I looked up to her and down her lips. She then moved closer and whispered 

"You smell so fucking good." then she moved away

I bit my lips to avoid moaning cause of her hot breath against my ear.

as we stare at each other, we both Smiled and continued to walk along

----At the Cafeteria----

Jennie's Pov

"Unnie, You look different today" Rose said

"Yah, 365 days did that to her" Jisoo said and made Seulgi laughed

"365 what?" Rose asked confused

"You're too young to know Rose" Lisa said as she lean forward and placed her elbows on the table

I looked at Lisa and to her arms. her veins were popping out. Did it looked like that when she finger fucked me.. I was zoning out when

"Jennie!" Seulgi yelled getting my attention

"yah? Sorry what was that?" I asked and sat up properly. I could feel Lisa was staring at me as I licked my lips

"Why aren't you eating?" Seulgi said

"I don't feel good" I said

"Why?" Lisa asked 

"yahh, I told you. 365 Days done that to her!" Jisoo said

"Shut up Unnie!" Rose said

"Its nothing, probably felt exhausted.." I said

"Waeyo? What did you do last night?" Seulgi asked confused

I felt like choking when I remembered what happened while Lisa sat up straight fixing her shirt.

"Mhmm.. Nothing" I said and looked away

"Ill go to the washroom guys" I said and left

"What's up with her?" Seulgi asked confused

"Ill check up on her." Lisa said and left


Lisa's Pov

I went in to check on Jennie. I saw her washing up her face then fixed her hair with her eyes closed. I could tell something was bothering her. She looked so hot when she ties her hair up. revealing her whole neck and shoulder. I leaned against the wall and wait for her to do her thing

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