This is why?

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-----At Eastwood High-----

Lisa's Pov

I was taking some books out from my locker to prepare for my next class

"Hi Lis!" 

"AHHH" I Yelled as I got scared

"Jen, You scared me! You gotta stop doing that" 

"hahah, Sorry" Jen said cutely

I stared at her for a good second and was cut off by

"Hey Babe!" Kai said and kissed Jennie in the lips In front of me

Jennie responded back "Hi Baby." 

I looked at how they exchange looks and sweet words that I remembered what happened last night

"Lis?" Jennie snapped

"yah? Sorry. ill go ahead" I left without waiting for what Jennie was about to say

Jennie's Pov

"That's weird.." I said almost a whisper

"Let her be" Kai said and pulled me closer to him

"Yahh Babe! Haha" I said while slightly punching his chest

Kai started pulling me even closer to him and I felt so uncomfortable. Why? I admit that me and Kai has been dating for 3 years but we never went over the board. He sometimes ask for it but I reject it.

Kai started kissing me neck

"babe, Stop it" I said slightly pushing him away

"Come on, Its been 3 years. What do you say about skipping school and staying at my place?"

"Kai, I have a test today. And I told you I'm not ready"

kai stepped back and looked away from me

"Fine. I'm leaving then" kai was about to leave but I stopped him

"Wait, Maybe Take me out on a date after school? How's that?" I asked cutely

"Can't Jen. I got stuff to do.." 

"Oh- I see" Pout "Maybe tomorr-" I couldn't continue as kai cut me off

"Ill go ahead." Then just like that, He Left me

I felt like I was useless to Kai. Ever since I told him I wasn't ready, he started acting cold towards me.

----- At the Cafeteria-----

Lisa's Pov

I was sitting with Rose, Jisoo and Seulgi

"Lis, How are you?" Jisoo asked

"Waeyo? What happened" Rose confusedly asked

"Nothing happened Baby" Seulgi said while smirking 

"Yahh! Don't call me that" Rose yelled at Seulgi

I started Laughing at my stupid friends

"Ehemm. Anyways, Lis?" Jisoo asked

"All good, Lets not talk about it" I said and ate my fries

"Not talk about what?" Jennie appeared from nowhere and sat next to me

"Yah lalisa, Spill" Rose said as she grabs Jisoo's last piece of chicken"

"Yahh! That's Mine!" Jisoo yelled

"here Unnie, Have mine"

"Thanks Jen!"

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