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Lisa's Pov

Sehun guided the way to this old house not far from our school. Honestly I doubt Kai would have taken Jennie to a place where it's near us or even take her to one of his shit place. We ran around the house to search for her as soon as we arrived. 

"No sign of Jennie here!" Seulgi yelled

"Here too!" Jisoo shouted

"Sehun are you sure this is the only place you could think of?" Seulgi asked

"Yeah, This place is like our stupid hide out whenever we do something stupid." Sehun said

"Then why aren't they here?!" I yelled feeling frustrated and running my fingers through my hair

"Hey, Lis. We'll find her ok" Jisoo said comforting me

I honestly don't need someone to comfort me. what I need is to find Jennie.

"We should head back to Eastwood High first to let them know they aren't here" Seulgi said and we all droved back

As soon as we arrived Mrs and Mr Kim went to us

"Where's Jennie?" Mrs Kim said worriedly when she saw no sign of Jennie

"I'm sorry but they aren't there" I said feeling as bad as she feels. FUCK how did this even happen

Mrs Kim hugged Mr Kim and started to cry. I wanted to cry but I need to be strong. I needed to find her.


I looked around as I heard a familiar voice.

"Not now Tzuyu." I said and walked away

"I'm sorry, I heard what happened to her" Tzuyu said

I ignored what she said since I wasn't in the mood to chit chat with anyone. Not unless its answers to my questions.

I was shock when Tzuyu hugged me and tried to comfort me. ever since I asked Jennie to be my girlfriend, Tzuyu and I kind of drift apart. I told her I wanted to end whatever we were doing cause I really wanted to take Jennie serious. She didn't take it pretty good or pretty bad. She couldn't accept it at first but a week after she acted like it was totally ok. But I don't care anymore.

"It's fine." I said and broke the hug

"Is there anything I can do?" Tzuyu asked

"No." I said and tried to walk away

"Lisa, Please let me help yo-" I cut her off

"Nothing you can do to help me find her." I said annoyed and walked away

Tzuyu's Pov

"Just you wait Manoban."  I whispered as I watch her walk away from me.

I took my phone out and dialed Kai's number

"Do it." I said and hung up, didn't bother to wait for Kai to reply.

Jennie's Pov

I was being drag to this very weird bedroom. It was a lot different from the outside.  Almost like this bedroom is the only nicest and cleanest room in this house. 

"let go of me!" I yelled trying to get myself release from their tight grip 

"Please!" I yelled pleasingly this time. I just want to go back home to my family and friend. To Lisa.

"Shall we play a little game?" Kai said as he appeared at the door way and i was being hand cuff to the bed.

"Fuck off!" I yelled to Kai

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